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LENSES—R. & J. BECK, 68, Cornhill, London. 


> — JOURNAL — 



M) 4 MV agazine of Popular Science for the Lecture-room and i 



Edited by J. HAY TAYLOR. the Domestic Circle. site ty 

Vol. 2.—No. 17. OCTOBER 1, 1890. Price One Penny. 

PERKEN, SON & RAYMENT, °° "*{xSox"°°™: “ OPTIMUS.” 

Each Magic Lantern is efficient for exhibitions. The Lens gives crisp definition, being a superior Achromatic Photographic Combination 
(large diameter back lens), with rack and pinion. It is fitted to a telescopic lengthening tube, so gaining increased focal accommodation. The 
Condenser is composed of two plano-convex lenses of 4 inches diameter. The refulgent lamp has 3 wicks, (or 4 wicks 2s. extra,) yielding a 
brilliantly illuminated picture.--Each is complete in box. 


Mahogany outside Body, 
2 Panelled Door, Brass 
Stages, slidiog Tubes, 

Russian Iron Bedy, 
Brass Sliding Tubes, 

; Mahogany outside 
ody, Japanned 
Metal Stages and 

Perforated Russian 
! ron Body. 

Japanned Metal I io 
Brass Sliding Tubes, 

; 30s. Sliding Tubes, 42s. 458° : 
Panelled Mahogany Body, and moulded foot, picked out with The Top Lantern may be used separately with Oil Lamp. 
black, Japanned stages and tubes, Achromatic Photo- Panelled Mahogany Body, Moulded foot picked out with 
graphic Front Lens, compound condensers . wv «. £512 0 black, Brass Stages and Tubes, Achromatic Front Lens, 
pitto ditto with brass stages and sliding tubes 8 8 O Compound Condensers... 0 6 we ewe ate ee £140 0 




Which have the Largest Sale of any Plates in the World. 



For Wimter Work use only 

ILFORD BROMIDE PAPERS, for enlargements or contact printing. Rapid or Slow, rough 

or smooth. ive finest detail, and best engraving black Tones. 

ILFORD ALPHA PAPER, to replace albumenized paper. Prints by gaslight. Any colour 
from black to red. Unequalled brilliancy. 

ILFORD “ALPHA” LANTERN PLATES, the most successful ever introduced. A 
perfect plate. 


ii. The Optioal Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 


Are used by all the Leading Photographers, both Amateur and Professional, 
THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, and have obtained the 


DALLMEYER ‘“‘ On the Choice and Use of Photographic Lenses.”’ Price 1s. 
New Descriptive Catalogue of Photographic Lenses and DALLMEYER’S LENSES & CONDENSERS 

Telegraphic and Cable Address—‘ DALLMEYER, LONDON.” 



If not, send for one at once. 

First-Class Photographic Slides, 6d. each, Coloured, 1s. 

Water Tyrer possesses the Largest Stook, and does the Most 

Extensive Business, because he is able to Manufacture all require- 

ments at the smallest possible profit. The Helioscopic Lantern far 

| surpasses all others. Lanterns from 20/- to £200. A stock of 

120,000 Slides always ready, and can be had on Hire cheaper than 

elsewhere. Hundreds of Lanterns, and Thousands of Slides, Second- 
hand, Great Bargains. Catalogues free. 



Magic Lanterns and Dissolving View Apparatus. 
Bridgman and Premier Triple Lanterns. 

For Family and School Use and Enlarging, from £1 1s. to £150. 

Agent for Beard's Small Size AUTOMATIC REGULATOR, 
CCMPRESSED GASES in Steel Cylinders, from 3d. per foot. 

* 406 & 457, STRAND, 54, CORNHILL, LONDON. 

Gop & SILver 

The New Patent Rubber 
Clip, 6d. each 

Literature. Botany. Biography. Astronomy. Politics. History. Physiology. Bible Hist H 
Geography. Eleotricity. Mythology. Art. Magnetism. Geology. Light. . &c., eo iad 

80,000 Slides on Sale or Hire. 
The ‘‘EUPHANERON”’? LANTERN with the four-wick W Lamp, £4 4s. 
The ‘‘CHEAP”? LANTERN with 4-in. Condenser and three-wick Lamp, £1 18s. 
Wood's New Fiat af Slides and Lanterns. Past-free for One Stamp. 
mo. G&G. Wood, 74, CHBRAPSIDEH, LONDON: 



—— JOURNAL —— 





Vol. 2.—No. 17. [statineers' tan. 

OCTOBER 1, 1890. 

Price One Penny. 

Notes ... . ses OD The Lantern and Art Edu- 

CALION eee ee ee ee SS 

34! The Lantern Society.—A Hint 39 
Signals for Changing Slides ... 39 
| Washing Sitters’ Faces ... _... 40 
| The Arc Light for Projection 41 
Editorial Table... ... 0... 43 

Dry Collodion Plates for Lan- 
tern ‘Transparencies . 

Hand Cameras for Obtaining 
Slides for the Lantern—No. 6 35 

Photomicrographic = Lantern 
‘Yransparencies Histo- 


logical Teaching and Re- Correspondence. — American 
EATEN cass! bic wees sep vex BO > Lanterns—The Lantern Soci- 
Reminiscences of My First ety—Lantern Slide Cameras 
Lantem Show 2... 85 —South London Photogra- 
Lantern Slide and Lranspar- : phic Society--Gloucestershire 
ency Making... 37 Photographic Exhibition 43-45 

Music Halls and the Lantern 38 
Metamorphosic Effect Slides 3S . 

Society Meetings .. 0 .. 43 
Notes and Queries ... . 16 

ConTENTS OF No. 16. 

Notices—Notes—Some Small American Lanterns—Hand Cameras for 
Obtaining Slides for the Lantern (No. 5)—Transparencies at One 
Operation—Lost Light—Camera Club (New Premises)—Photo- 
microzraphic Lantern Transparencies for Histolozical Teaching 
and Rescarch—A few Hints on Amateur (Comic) Slide Making— 
Editorial Table—Correspondence (New Oxy-calcium Ligat—Infor- 
mation)—Notes and Queries. 


THE Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Pholographic 
Enlarger is issued on the tst of every month, price One 
Penny, and may be obtained from all Newsvendors, Railway 
News Stalls, Photographic Dealers, or from the Publishers, 
at the following rates, post free :— 

United States. 
1/6... 2) 60 cents. 
[Whee [2) aie mas “6 

Advertisements (Scale of Charges), displayed :— 

12 months 
Single copies... 

s. d. 
Front page, by arrangement. = 
Ordinary page, facing matter(whole) ... 3 0 Oo 
i iy ae Chalf) oo... § 15 0 
3 és ele ..» (quarter)... © 0 0 
$4 ‘5 ae (eighth) ... I0 oO 
‘5 - per I inch in column ... 6 0 
” ” » doy ” see 3.0 

Special quotations for a series. 

Exchange Column, General Wants, &c. (not Trade)— 
First 20 words, 6d.; and for every 3 additional words, rd. 

Advertisements must reach the office not later than the 
24th of each month. All cheques and postal orders to be 
made payable to Taylor Brothers. 

Editorial communications must be addressed, The Editor ; 
advertisements and business communications to Taylor 
Brothers, care of the Publishers, Dorset Works, Salisbury 
Square, Fleet Street, London, E.C. 

American Agents :—The International News Co., 83 and 
85, Duane Street, New York City, 


Our readers will observe that a few additional 
pages have been added to this issue. 

* * * 
On September 23 a disastrous fire occurred on 
the premises of Mawson and Swan, Newcastle. 
We understand that two firemen have died from 
the effects of the fumes of nitric acid, and several 
of their employees are laid up with affection of 
the throat from the same cause. 

* x * 
A NOVEL exhibition is being arranged in connec- 
tion with the Imperial Commercial Museum, 
Vienna. It is to indicate various modes of ad- 
vertising, and specimens are being obtained from 
various parts of the world. These include news- 
papers, cards and bills of all kinds, sky signs, 
sails of boats, the optical lantern,and numerous. 
other devices. 

& ” * 
From the hon. secretary of the Camera Club 
we have received tickets for the Press View 
on the 6th inst., of the sixth of the One Man 
Photographic Exhibitions, which will consist of 
photographs by Mr. Lyd. Sawyer, of Newcastle- 
upon-Tyne. The exhibit will be a fully repre- 
sentative collection, including much new work 
prepared specially for this exhibition. The pic- 

tures will be on view for about two months. 
» e 2 

Tue auxanoscope of M. Trouvé, electrician, 14, 
Rue Vivienne, Paris, is a magic lantern in which 
the ordinary lamp is replaced by an incandescent 
electric lamp, an improvement which enables the 
whole apparatus to be greatly simplified and re- 
duced in size. So much is this the case that it has 
been adopted by the Ligue de ]’Enseignement, 
whose members travel from town to town and 
village to village, communicating instruction by 
lectures. The field of projection is about six feet 
square, and the light nearly as good as the oxy- 
hydrogen lamp. 
a 2 2 
A CuicaGo chemist claims to have discovered a 
method whereby aluminium may be produced for 

34 The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 

a few coppers per pound. A company has been 
formed for supplying various articles, including 
optical instruments, made of this metal. 

* s s 

Tue exhibition of the Photographic Society of 
Great Britain, 3a, Pall Mall, S.W., opened on 
September 27, and will continue until Nov. 12. 
Photographic lantern slides will be shown with 
the society’s lantern. As we go to press on the 
eve of the opening, we shall have to postpone our 
remarks until next issue. 
R 2 2 

Proressor B. J. Matpen has lately had a magni- 
ficent triple lantern built by Mr. W. C. Hughes, 
of Kingsland. This is replete with numerous 
fittings and novelties, which will enable Mr. 
Malden to give with certainty those fine effects 
and registrations for which he is so well known. 

* s » 

THe first meeting of the season of the Lantern 
Society will take place on the 13th inst., at 20, 
Hanover-square, when Mr. Andrew Pringle will 
give a lecture on “Modern applications and appli- 
ances of the lantern,” 

* ¢ e 

We have received a visit from a London gentle- 
mian, who assures us that he will soon be able to 
show us a photograph on the screen with stereo- 
scopic relief. The slide that is to be put inthe 
lantern ts, he says, ‘‘a single picture with every- 

thing standing out.’’ Should we see or receive 
such a picture, due notice will be given. 
* ol La 

Tuz photographic business of Mr. F. Crowley, 
of Leamington, has lately, through the instru- 
mentality of the well-known photo business agent, 
Mr. H. J. Beasley, of 65, Chancery-lane, been sold 
to Mr. H. E. Sawyer. ; 

* * . 

THE total proceeds of the award from the Drapers’ 
Hall Exhibition to the Photographers’ Benevolent 
Association has amounted to £4 2s. 5d. 

s a > 

Dr. Kassver, of Breslau, has discovered a new 
method of obtaining oxygen from the air. Water 
is poured upon a mixture of peroxide of barium 
and ferricyanide of potash, and oxygen is given 
off. The oxygen thus obtained is said to be of 
great purity 
; * s s 

A CORRESPONDENT suggests the employment 
of’ paver, pressed and chemically prepared, for 
making lantern bodies, lens tubes, and slide 
frames, as it would tend considerably towards 
lightness. Paper can be prepared very hard 
and firm, and is a non-conductor of heat. 

Dry Collodion Plates for Lantern 

Wuite the wet collodion process is that by which 
the manufacturer on a large scale can make most 
progress in his output of lantern slides, yet to 
the amateur who wishes to make only a dozen or 
two when it suits his whim or convenience it 
certainly entails a little trouble and mess, for the 
nitrate of silver bath must be kept in gcod 
condition, which may possibly not be the case 
when he decides upon using it. Dry collodicn, 
by which we mean dry collodion plates, proves 
much the more convenient process of the two, 
for the plates can be made so as to keep well for 
several weeks at least, and besides they posscss 
this great advantage, that while they can be printcd 
in the camera, they can also be printed in contact 
with the negative, which cannot be done with 
wet collodion. 

Although dry plates can be prepared by the 
agency of the nitrate bath, the emulsion process 
is so much more handy, and the pictures are so 
good that we will here confine ourselves to the 
latter. Its convenience is very great, for witha 
bottle of emulsion at hand, the coating of a few 
plates can be proceeded with, without any special 
preparation beyond lighting the yellow—not the 
red lamp in this case—and dusting the required 
number of previously cleaned plates. 

In all cases when lantern slide collodion cmul- 
sion can be purchased, we recommend this to be 
done; but there is no doubt that a great nuinber 
of those who employ collodio-bromide make it for 
themselves, for this operation is not attended by 
any difficulty. The proportions in the following 
are those published by Mr. F. C. Beach, but 
previously used by others. 

Prepare a stock supply of plain collodion, by 
placing 2202. of methylated alcohol in a large 
bottle, then adding 1oz. of gun cotton, prepared 
at a high temperature ; and after giving it a shake, 
adding 180z. of sulphuric ether, by which the 
cotton will be dissolved. 

To roz. of this plain collodion add 13 grains of 
bromide of ammonium dissolved by aid of heat in 
13 drachms of methylated spirits and 20 minims 
of distilled water, and after well shaking take to 
the dark room and add 20 grains nitrate of silver 
dissolved in 12 minims distilled water. Keep in 
the dark room for twenty-four hours, shaking 
up at intervals. Next pour the emulsion into a 
large flat dishand allow the solvents to evaporate, 
breaking up the thick skin occasionally with an 
ivory paper-knife. Now wash with distilled 
water until all the soluble salts are removed. Dry 
the pellicle by squeezing in calico and then sub- 
mitting to a moderate heat. All this must be 

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photezraphic Enlargor. 


Prize Medals, Liverpool International Exhibition, 1SS6. 
Photographic E.chibition, \SS8S. 


Proved supcrior to all otlicrs. See reports. 

483 to 49, Lord Street, Liverpool. Established 1845. 
Effect Slides painted for the Wholesale London Houses. 


An Exhibition of Photography 


will be held in the Royal Scottish Academy's National Galleries, 
Edinburgh, from middle of November, 1890, to beginning of January, 
1891. Applications for space, which ts free, to be sent to 

T, BARCLAY, Secretary, 180, Dalkeith Road, EDINBURGH 

Awarded the freedom of the Worshipful Company of Tin-plate Workers 
for excellency of workmanship. 


Manufacturing Tin-Plate Worker to the Optical 
Lantern and Photographic Trades, 

Lanterns in Japanned Tin-Plate or Mahogany—Russian Iron. 
Lamps, Retorts, Reading Lamps, Ec. 
Manufacturing Opticians’ Own Materials Made Up. 


Photographic Materials. American and Foreign 
Dark Room (free) for use ot Tourists. 

List, post-free. 


Catalogues and Bargain 

New Things for this Season—Srancev's Last Expedition, East 
Coast of Africa from Natal to Zanzibar. Isle of Man and its Legends. 
Jamaica, Tripidad and Barbwloes. The Heart and its Action. Cele- 
brities from Direct Negatives. Statuary. Life Sets. Enoch- Arden. 
Dora. Ruined Cottage. Road to Heaven, The Cricket on the Hearth. 
And Several Comic Sets. {1 Prize Medals. 


Dissolving View Magic Lanterns and Slides. 

Photographic Apparatus,.Scientific Instruments and every 
description of miscellaneous property. 

Me. J. C. STEVENS begs to announce that he holds Sales of the 
a above, every I'riday, at half-past twelve precisely, at his great 
Rooms, 38, King Street, Covent Garden, London, 

Gentlemen wishing to include property in these Sales, are requested 
to send particulars one week prior to Sale. 

eee eee 

Lantern Transparencies. 


Specialities for 1890-1891. 

«(Greenland's Icy Mountains” (from direc: negatives). 
“The North Cape.” “The Sylvan Wye.” ‘ a Fishing 
Expedition" (Humorous). “A Charity Conce :t” (ditto). 

Catalogue and Prices (wholesale on'y) 


152 & 1644, PERTH ROAD, DUNDEE. 


OUNG MAN wants Situation as Lantern Operator to 

Lecturer or Institutions. Can give first-class re- 

commendation from Mr. Locke, late operator to Mr. Malden. 
—M. Honour, 46, Euston Crescent, N.W. 

N EARLY new Magic Lantern, four-wick lamps, tin. 
1 condensers, portrait leos, in case, with 40 Photo- 
Lot £2. 

graphic Slides. 

UPLRION DRAWINGS made for Photographing into 
Slides. Any subject accurately and artistically illus- 
trated ; pictures, prints, &c., copied or converted into 
slides. Private or ‘'rade.—I*. WEEKS (many years Artist 
to leading London firms), 14, Thorpe Road, Forest Gate, 
London, I. 

of large experience is prepared to undertake ani 
manage the entire getting up and production of LIFE 
MOOIL SETS for the Lantern, with novel ideas and effects, 
superior to anything yet producel. Wishes to join a3 
Workiog Partner, a PHOTOGRAPHER, or firm, to find 
capital to carry out the enterprise and undertake the 
photographic department. Certaia of big financial returns 
for moderate outlay. Jor further particulars (or interview, 
preferred) address, I’. V., 14, Thorpe Road, Forest 
Gate, London, B. 

IME LIGAT OPE RATOR.—Wanted, with some ex- 

perience or willing to qualify for high-class entertaix- 

ments; one with knowledge of thotography preferred.— 
Apply, LANTERY, 86, Fisherton Street, Salisbury. 

ANTED for Cash, a few Sets Lantern Slides, scientific 
subjects, with reading. Approval.—JOHN WRIGHT, 
Smithfield, Morton, Bingley. 
© LADSTONE and his Contemporaries,” complete, in 
14 2/- numbers, quite new ; exchange for Camera, 
must be in good order.—G1BBONS, Church Street, Studley, 

IXED JETS, 3 best quality cog-wheel lime turners, 
platinum nipples, 12:6 each.—NoRTON, 38, March- 

wont Street, Londou, W.C. 
LGH-CLASS Photographic SLIDVKS, ia Sets, artistic- 
ally coloured, 4’- per dozen; sample, 6d. free.— 
J. MCLENNAN, 3.3, St. Paul’s Road, Canonbury, London, N. 

Bargain.—CoLuIns, Seaside, 

ati specially painted sarcastic Conservative 
SLIDES; tifteen Miscellaneous Slides, 22,6 lot; or 
exchange for Effects, Mechanical or Comic Sets.—F. 
BALSON, Allingtoo, Bridport. 

F.W. HART, Patentee & Manufacturer 

8 & 9, KINGSLAND GREEN (2Nches. 

Portable Adjustable Magic Lantern Screen Stands. 
Garden Studios and Background Stands. FLASH LAMPS :— Original 
Patent for distribution and other Appliances for Photographic, Scenic, 
and Signal Purposes. PxHoroGrarittc ArraRAaTus, Cizmicars, &c., 
Surety Srore. 

Ransom’s Apparatus 

For Copyino, Kepucixe, or Exiancixe from either 

Picrores or NecativEs. (J’efent applied for.) 

ads pted Yor 
makin x 
‘Trans par- 
encies or 
Slides. Pro- 

Prices, in vlack hard wood 4-p). 

Apparatus supply a long-felt want. ’ 
ard under, 21/-; {-pl. (10XS), 27/6; 12X15, 35/-; Polisdied Walnut 

20 per cent. extra, From the Maker, 

| RANSOM, 122, Newington Butts, Londo, S.E. 

iv, The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger, 



A ——————_ . : 
aes io 36s. ama SOs. : 
tl ii i] Dispenses with Coal Gus; costs dl. per LANTER N 6] ROLE 
BZ hour tn fluid; gives a brighter light than ee 
g Coal Gas in the mixed jet; is only five Biunial and Triple Lanterns now 

pounds in weight, and quite safe. 

things of the past 

inder for limelight last night. and 
‘ hadall through the hest illuminated disc I 

' have ever seen (out of the Polytechnic in its 
i best days!, No hitch audience well pleased’ 5/- each j post free, 5/3 


Ashcombe-rd., Weston-Super-Mare, CHADWICK’S NEW LANTERN. 




Depot for Second-Hand Cameras, Lenses, &c., by the 
most Noted Makers. Catalogue post free. 

20, Cranbourne St., Leicester Square, London, W.C. 
Photographers’ Auctioneer & Business Agent, 

Businesses Valued for Probate, &c. 

Mr. Beasley is open to investigate any Business or behalf of Intending Purchaser (when not 
engaged by the Vendor) at a fixed charge. 


4, BROOK Street, HANOVER Square, W. 
We have much pleasure in bearing testimony to your prompt attention and ability in carrying out any business 
transaction we have committed toyour care. . 7 

Yours truly, 
(Signed) DISDERI & CO. 

Tam obliged for the expeditious and satisfactory manner in which you have disposed of the two Photographic 
Businesses on behalf of my clients, and shall have p!easure in introducing any other matters of a similar nature. 
Yours faithfully, 
(Signed) E. J. H. CARTER. 

References to Bankers, Solicitors, & Members of the Photographic Profession, 

ON ccitostaapite eis Ml CHADWIGK’S "ECLIPSE CARRIER ‘ae 



The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Hularger. 


done by yellow light. When quite dry redissolve 

the pellicle in 150z. of a mixture of equal parts of 

absolute alcohol and sulphuric cther, and after | 
being well shaken up it is filtered and ready for 

use. After trial, if any fog appears on the image 

the addition of one or two drops of an alcoholic 

solution of iodine will prevent its recurrence. 

After being coated the plates may be quickly | 
dried by heat. : 

The developer recommended is :— 

F 1 rors Acid ... 06 grains 
* {Absolute Alcohol a T ounce 
; Saturate Sol. Ammonium Carbonate — 4 ounces 
| Potassium bromide 1 drachm 
* ) Soda acetate 2 drachms 

Water ... re ae ae 12 ounces 

For use, mix in theproportion of five to ten drops 
of No. 1 to three drachms of No. 2, but the precise 
quantity of No. 2 used must depend upon the 
intensity of the negative. Before commencing to 
develop, pour a little methylatcd alcohol on the 
plate, and after ten or fiftecu seconds wash it off 
with water. 


Hand Cameras for Obtaining 
Slides for the Lantern. 

THIS camera, for which a patent was granted to Mr. 
Alfred Smith on July 20 of last year, is manufactured 
by Messrs. Perken, Son, and Rayment, who are the 
sole agents. The external measurements of this 
camera are S3in. by sin. by Sin., and it is 
strongly made in mahogany, with brass bindings, 
which should enable it to withstand any climate. 
The internal arrangement and mechanism may 
be seen from the cut. It will be observed that 
twelve plates can be carried and exposed without the 

necessity for opening the camera, which, after being 
“charged " in the dark room, is locked. The plates 
(12), placed in sheaths, are inserted in a series of 
grooves which run from the top to the bottom of the 
camera. These grooves are divided about mid-way 
by a box through which the rays of light pass from 
the lens to the exposing plane, and it is upon the top 
of this box that the stock of plates rest. The series 
of grooves move from the front to the back of the 
camera, and, as each groove travels sufficiently to 
clear the top of the partition upon which the plates 
rest, a plate descends to the exposing plane. This, in 

In order to effect a change of plate a milled head 
is turned. This, in the outfit sent to us, is situated at 
the end of the camera, oppositeto the lens, and com- 
municates with a screw, which draws the series of 
grooves backwards as desired. Inthe camera shown 
in the cul this motion is imparted by a rack and 
pinion movement, the knob being situated low down 
at the side of the camera. But, as regards smoothness 
of motion and general handiness, we think the screw 
and knob atthe rear is the better method. 

As the grooves must necessarily be sufficiently far 
apart to allow even the thickest plates to pass easily, 
an arrangement is provided whereby each plate, not- 
withstanding variation in thickness, is brought to the 
| exact focus. Thisis done by a slight turn ofthe milled 
i head in the opposite direction after the plate has 
descended. If desired, the plates may be used with- 
without sheaths, but in this case non-actinic paper 
must be stuck on the back of the plate. This, how- 
ever, is sold ready gummed and cut to size. 

The lens, which is an “ Optimus ” of rapid 
rectilinear type, needs no comment, thename of the 
makers being sufficient recommendation. 

The exposing shutter is actuated by two pins at the 
side, and always remains “set.” 

The front of the camera is hinged to enable any 
desired stop to be inserted in the lens, and as this 
front carries the exposure shulter, a safety slide is 
placed immediately behind the lens. Two finders 
are also provided. As part of the back of camera has 
a sliding opening, a ground glass may be insertcd 
in the end groove, focussed on any near object, and 
a sensitive plate substituted for the ground glass. If 
for a prolonged exposure the shutter behind the lens 
may then be found most convenient, the front of the 
camera being left open. 

The most minute wants have been fully anticipated 
in the working out of the details of this camera. 

Photomicrographic Lantern 
Transparencies for Histological 
Teaching and Research. 

By M. HEvbiey. 

(Continued from page 30.) 

Lrvatum.—On p. 30 of last issue, fifth line from botfom 
of first column, read ‘‘ The sodium-theosulphate” instead of 
“the sodium. This sulphate.” 

“ ACCORDING to the length of time the plate is im- 
mersed the tone passes from a brown to a red. This 
method is very useful for some shades, giving a 
slightly opaque red. The process would appear to be 
that silver and potassium ferro-cyanides are formed, 
and the latter is subsequently decomposed, forming 
uranium ferro-cyanide, the silver salt remaining and 
giving rise to the opacity mentioned. At this stage 
the colour can be very much heightened, and rendered 
more transparent by placing the slide in sodium theo- 
sulphate, which dissolves the silver salt, and leaves 
an image formed solely of uranium ferro-cyanide. The 
shade thus obtained strongly resembles that of insects 
ordinarily prepared for microscopic examination, and 
those who have occasion to photograph these will find 

turn, recedes, and another takes its place. 

this method of transparency staining of considerable 



utility. It must be remembered that no process is 
universally applicable ; and that it requires a little care 
to use either method according to the particular shade 
of the object photographed. In a specimen of the 
cerebellum stained with santal wood, I have been 
able to copy the shade of the original almost exactly, 
while it isan approximation of the colour of picro- 
carmine and carmine, although hardly so red. The 
next step was an easy one. Given that the action 
of a 2 per cent. solution of potassium ferrid-cyanide 
(Ke Fer Crys) is to form a pale whitish image of 
silver ferro-cyanide, then let the plate be well washed 
toremove the free ferro-cyanide from the gelatine,and 
afterwards flood it with a solution of ferric chloride. 
The image will turn to an opaque blue, which can be 
rendered transparent if the silver chloride is dissolved 
outin sodium theosulphate. This latter method gives 
an image in Prussian blue; but the method is more 
casily worked for lantern slides than any hitherto des- 
cribed, the other methods, such as that of Benecke of 
St. Louis (quoted in “ Anthony’s Bulletin "), requiring 
long exposure in sunlight. 

“ These last methods are particularly applicable to 
tissues such as the central nervous system, which are 
generally stained by difi .se protoplasmic stains like 
carmine or soluble aniline blue ; for the latter the blue 
method is an exact imitation. By stopping out dif- 
ferent parts of the negative I have been able to com- 
bine both colours—obtain, as it would appear, a double 
Stained slide. The trouble, however, is considerable, 
and the number of specimens to which it appears ap- 
plicable are few. Although I have been able by modi- 
fications of the method to obtain a three-coloured 
slide, I cannot at present recommend it to you to 

“The chemical changes involved in t':ese processes 
are probably something of the followin: nature :— 

“The potassium ferri-cyanide is redu-ed by the free 
stlver in the plate, silver and potassium ferri-cyanides 
being formed thus :—4Ag + 2K, Fe? (CN) Agi Fe 
(CN). = 3K1 Fe (CN), ; the potassium ferri-cyanide 
then forming uranyl ferri-cyanide by double decom- 
position :—Ki Fe (CN)« + 2U0, (NOa )2 == (UO: )a 
Fe (CN)i + 4KNO, 

“In the blue process, the silver ferri-cyanide being 
alone left in the film by the prolonged washing, reacts 
with the ferric chloride, forming Prussian blue :— 

3Agi Fe (CN); + 2Fe: Cle== (Fes )e 3[Fe (CN)c]! around this frame. 

* r2Ag Cl. 

. The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Balarger. 

“ These reactions have been repeated by ordinary | 
chemical methods by Professor Lapper and myself in: 

the laboratories of the Royal College of Surgeons of 
Ireland, and have been found to agree with those 
observed in the gelatine film. 

“T may mention for the benefit of any who may wish 
to use these methods a few facts which I have observed 
during my experiments. 

“In order to avoid staining the plate itis advisable 
to use the toning solution fresh. Although the solu- 
tion will act a second time, the second plate in my 
hands always has had a yellow tone when it should 
be colourless. This yellow colour can be removed by 
dilute alkalies, but at the risk of unnecessarily re- 
ducing the picture in colour. 

“Ifthe colour is not satisfactory after the plate is 
washed, it canin white light be put into some alkaline 

developer. I found hydrokinone and potassium car- 
bonate satisfactory. By this means the uranium will 
be removed and the ferro-cyanide of silver reduced to 
its original condition or with very little noticeable 
change. The toning process can be repeated or 

“Ttis also requisite to avoid any traces of sodium 
theosulphate or developer in the film, because they are 
all active reducing agents, and staining will be sure to 

“Asa saturated solution of alum appears to have no 
deleterious effect on the uranium colour, it can be used 
with advantage after washing to remove any traces of 
the above reducing agents. This it appears to per- 
fectly accomplish.” 

—~ -=-10: 

Reminiscences of my First 
Lantern Show. 
By ALR.W. 

Or late years the ingenuity of man has perfected 
various methods of supporting and securing screens ; 
but in years gone by, when I was a young man, 
these new-fangled things were unheard of, and in these 
days some rather primitive methods were resorted to, 
when setting up the apparatus fora lantern show. I 
was at one time considered the scientist of the village 
where I lived, perhaps because I owned a magic 
lantern and some hand-painted slides. However, let 
that pass. 

I remember on one occasion when the quietude 
of our village was disturbed by the fair day, I was 
prevailed upon to wind up the day by giving a public 
show in the largest hall available, the munificent 
sum of five shillings being subscribed to meet my ex- 

The loft (hall sounds better) was a somewhat long 
roomabout loft. high, and duing the afternoon I busied. 
myself with the aid of my son in erecting a screen, in 
the middle of the room. First I placed a plank of 
wood against the ceiling, and then with two uprights 
from the floor secured this in position, also placing a 
plank of wood on the floor under the ends of the 
uprights. The standards being a shade longer than 
filled the space, they were nice and firm when forced: 
to the perpendicular ; the screen was then tacked 

In due time everything being in readiness, the con- 
Genscr warm, and the gas bags in good order, the 
audience were admitted, and ranged themselves on 
plank seats on either side of the screen. All being in 

: place the first picture was projected on the screen. This. 

if I remember right was a wan szwellowing rats. This 
caused a stamping and shouting, such as would eclipse 
a more civilized audience, and made the teams of 
the floor spring, which in turn made the fit of my 
uprights somewhat loose, and as Ivck would have it 
the screen framework, &c., fell over towards the 
lantern ; the cross beam, which was placed against the 
ceiling, was held to the uprights by the sheeting being 
tacked well all round, and crash—the frame knocked 
the lens out of the flange, and the lantern over. After 
peace was restorcd and the audience dismissed, I ex- 
amined the apparatus, and concluded that the five: 
shillings I received hardly compensated for a broken 


condenser and a dented lens mount. Now-a-days 
with bamboo rods and rollers upon which the screen 
is screwed, accidents of this kind are unheard of. 
Although at the time this was a sad experience, still, 
after all these years, I have a certain pleasure in re- 
counting to the present generation the result of my 
first public lantern entertainment. 


Lantern Slide and Transparency 


I po not'think there can be a more interesting branch 
of our fascinating art than the production of slides for 
the optical lantern, and in the remarks I shall make 
in connection with this topic, I trust to induce some 
who have not as yet tried this branch so. Now 
that the holiday season is over, we are all anxious to 
show our work in the best possible way, and I think it 
cannot be denied that in a glass transparency we 
obtain more complete results of our negatives than by 
any other printing process. As to the production of 
those, I claim to have carefully followed instructions 
given by the makers of the plates rather than gone in 
for original research. I find in various articles upon 
this subject that great stress is laid upon cleanliness in 
connection with all dishes, measures, &c. This is per- 
fectly correct; but at the same time it will be found 
that the ordinary care which has enabled you to pro- 
duce a negative will in all probability enable you to 

obtain a good transparency from it. 

Although there are many ways of producing trans- 
parencies, nothing to my mind surpasses in beauty 
those produced by collodion process ; but it is not my 
intention to go into detail, for dry plates are now made 
in such perfection, the facilities so great in producing 
slides from them, and the obtainable results so good, 
that we amateurs of little leisure hardly need anything 
better. \Vith many itis a disputed point as to whether 
contact negatives or those made in the camera are the 
better. Although there may be little material differ- 
ence, the result of my experiences is that those made 
by reduction are slightly sharper thantheothers. But 
however much our great artists may differ as to posi- 
tive prints, we all find that when the subject has to be 
enlarged many times, the general fizziness is, asa rule, 
quite sufficient to satisfy any of us. 

Respecting the idea of one brand of plates being 
better than another, I think I am quite right in stating 
that any or all will produce good results, if treated 
according to their requirements, and I find that success 
generally attends the use of the formule issued with 
the plates ; but sometimes it may be necessary to 
slightly vary the same when allowing for a thin or over- 
dense negative. With the plates of Mawson and 
Swan, Fry, Ilfords, and Thomas, a wonderful range 
of tone can be obtained according to theexposure and 
strength of the developer used. The tone usually pro- 
duced by ferrous oxalate or hydrokinone—viz., a 
neutral grey—is, in my opinion, most generally liked. 
Personally, I chiefly use Thomas's plates, and acting 
upon the principle of a witty American, who advised 
that having found a good thing to freeze to it, I purpose 
using these by way of illustration. 

* Read before N. Middlesex Photo. Club. 

Although hydrokinone as a developer for negatives 
is somewhat uncertain, and has a tendency to choke 
the distance, still for transparency work and slow 
plates I think it has yet to be surpassed. It is both 
simple and clean. I intend using the same solution to 
develop both a lantern slide and a half-plate trans- 
parency. The developer is composed as follows :— 


Hydrokinone_... aca 160 grains. 
Sodium Sulphite ies 2 ounces. 
Citric Acid sis 60 grains. 
Potassium Bromide 30 a 

Water to make up ive 20 ounces. 


Sodium Hydrate 160 grains. 
Water 20 ounces. 

For development equal parts of A and B are em- 
ployed. Perhaps the success of the finished picture 
hinges for the most part on giving a proper exposure. 
In my own practice I have generally obtained the best 
results by giving as long an exposure as the plate will 
stand and then developing smartly. When by reason 
of under exposure a yellow stain results from pro- 
longed development, it can be removed by an applica- 
tion of 

Cyanide of Potassium ... 2 drachms. 

Water oes . 20 ounces. 
But as this has a tendency to reducing the density, it 
is well to avoid the stain when at all possible. Perhaps 
it is better to use the alum proto-sulphate of iron and 
citric acid clearing solutions ; but if the exposure has 
been correctly timed, there will be no necessity for 
their use. 

I find that the average time for exposure with an 
afternoon light with F22 to be about 15 minutes, when 
reducing from a half-plate negative to lantern size ; 
whilst by contact with a kerosene lamp, held at 12in. or 
14in. distance, 45 seconds will suffice. 

I may here remark that as the result of experiment- 
ing with various developers in the same brand of plates, 
those developed with pyro, ammonia, ammonium, 
bromide, and carbonate of ammonia required a longer 
exposure than those developed with hydrokinone. 

When printing by contact, a dense negative should 
be held a few inches from the flame; whilst a thin one 
produces best results when held 1Sin. or 2ft. away. 
The same principle applies when making bromide 

Of course, in speaking of transparencies, larger 
sizes than 3}in. square can be treated in a similar 
manner. I have for my own use made a box for re- 
ducing or enlarging, but since making have ascertained 
that one of a suitable nature for reductions has been put 
upon the market for about 15s. The plan I use saves 
all blocking out of the windows of the room in which it 
is used. It consists of two parts—a platform to hold 
negatives of any reasonable size, and a box to put the 
same in when the camera has been adjusted. The 
platform has a narrow groove down the entire length, 
to enable the camera to pass up and down, and can be 
fixed in any desired position by a thumb screw. At 
the extreme end is nested a set of frames to hold dif- 
ferent-sized negatives, which are held in position by 
small brass buttons. When the exact position has been 
ascertained for different negatives a mark can be made 
upon the board, and the complete action of this 
apparatus is as follows :—The lantern plate being 

38 The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 

placed in the dark slide, the slide is placed in the 
camera, which we will suppose has been adjusted inthe 
platform to the required place. Stop the lens down to 
F16 or F22 (if light is good the latter). Cap the lens, 
draw the slide, and place the whole in the box, which 
has been made with a light-tight fitting cover anda door 
at the end where the negative is. Placethis box in any 
position suitable, either pointing it to the sky, or even 

setting it on end. Should this, however, be impossible, | 

Owing to walls or trees, a cardboard reflector can be 
placed at an angle of 45 degrees to the negative. This 
reflector may be supported in the door at the negative 

end. So as to make a box that is portable, the lens 

should not be more than Gin. focus. The lens having 
been previously uncapped. the exposure is made by 

Opening the flap door. I have also found another use | 

for this box,—when notin use it forms a nice dust-proof 
cupboard for stowing away the ever-increasing photo- 
graphic impediimenta. 


Music Halls and the Lantern. 

Monstzur R. Pirrot, whose forte lies in per- | 

sonating several prominent individuals, possesses the 
ability to so bedeck himself and change his counten- 
ance in a short space of time, that he is able in the 
course of half an hour to represent about a score of 
the public men of the day. This change was easily re- 
cognizable by those to whom the features of the party 
represented were’ known, but to the uninitiated the 
change, beyond seeming clever, represented nothing. 
So the lantern has been called into requisition, and 
Mr. Walter Tyler, Wraterloo-road, has added zest to 
this performance by so fitting one of his Helioscopic 
lanterns with a revolving plate containing sixteen 
photographs, so under control of the wt’stc that he is 
enabled by a mere touch to change the picture upon 
the screen, and then proceed to represent the individual 
depicted. ‘Chis apparatus is used with a transparent 
screen, and the image projected being little over life size, 
the audience are easily enabled to make a comparison. 
When a change is about to be made the artist steps 
behind the screen, rotates the disc containing the pho- 
tographs—say to Mr. Gladstone —and with the aid ofa 

“collar,” and a few dexterous touches, assumes the | 

facial expression of the individual depicted on the 
screen. Of course suitable means are provided for the 
proper illumination of ce living panoplicum. 

Metamorphosic Effect Slides. 
By C. A. P. 

SETTING to one side the serious and instructive part 
that the optical lantern fulfils, there is also the comic 
department, a little of which agrees with old as well as 
young. As the juvenile can ‘hardly be expected to 
prepare slides for himself, the paternal element is 
looked up to in order to obtain certain slices that 
cannot be purchased ready prepared. 

The word metamorphosis means a change of form or 
shape, or a transformation. There are numerous 
subjects which appear in the comic Papers, illustrating 
in the course of half-a-dozen sketches how one picture 
may be transformed into another of quite a different 
nature. As an example, Punch, in an issue of two or 

‘three weeks back, illustrated this change, the sub- 
ject commencing as a four-wheeled cab, which de- 
veloped in the course of a few sketches into a snail ; 
' but subjects suchas are alluded to will readily suggest 
: themselves to those who are handy with the pencil. 
Having the serics of sketches made, the next most 
important part is that of colouring,asupon this depends 
‘to a great extent successful and pleasing effects. 
The first picture, which represents the subject which 
is to undergo the change, should be coloured as desired, 
and then the last picture representing the series. 
Although these two may differ in every respect in 
colour as well as shape, it is necessary to establish 
harmony between them by so colouring the intervening 
! slides that the contrasts between 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 
3 and 4, and so on, will not be too violent. A dark 
colour on No. 1 should be considerably lightened in 
| No. 2, if it is to be entirely changed in No. 3; bit 
perhaps it will be found best in a series of, say, seven 
| pictures, to colour them in the following order—3, 
7) 4: 2, 6, 3, 5. 
Slides of this nature are best depicted upon the 
j screen with either a bi-unial or triple lantern, and 
when the changes are made rapidly and smoothly 
have a very pleasing appearance. They may be 
i changed either backwards or forwards, with equally 
good effect. 


~The Lantern and Art Education. 

WRITING to our contemporary, 7%c Beacon (Chicago), 
Mr. Peter Dow says :— 

‘Being an old lantern hand and slidemaker, I have 
long ago held strong views as to the valuable use of 
the lantern, for educational purposes, in science and 
art. These views were publicly and privately de- 
clared, as well as my opinion as to many lantern 
| exhibitions, projecting slides on the screen at therate of 
one to two hundredinan hour, or two at most. A glance 
; Was got—some slides good, others indifferent or bad. 
. After sight, tumbled into their boxes and there an end. 
To most of them it may have been just what should 
i have happened, but to some quite otherwise. It has 
at limes reminded me of some agricultural exhibitions, 
where farmers showing their best specimens of, say, 
‘turnips, bulb by bulb for a few seconds to the 
_ audience, and when done, pitched into a cart and off 
‘ta the yard for consumption, nevermore to be seen ; 
.or like a glance at a landscape from a railway train 

going ata rate of fifty miles an hour. 

‘“The lantern may be made one of the best aids to 
; improve the eye and mind to correct knowledge of 
jtrueart. The eye requires to be educated as well as 
;the mind. There are many hidden beauties in nature, 
as well as in art subjects, brought to light through the 
, lantern. Nothing used to give me greater pleasure 
‘ than the opportunity to study a high class work, pro- 
; jected on the screen by a pure limelight, where it 
could be examined in quietness, going over every 
i part perhaps foran hour or more, leaving an impres- 
j Sion that even a hundred slides flashed across the 
screen in the same time could never impart. Anold 
; photographic friend of mine, a great slidemaker and 
the best colourist of slides I have ever known, used oil 
colours, and was so thoroughly conversant with the 
quality of slide necessary to be penetrated by the 

ago, wD 

The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlargor, 


light for the effect on the screen, as well as the par- 
ticular colour in density and tint, slides which might 
appear to an ordinary observer not of much account, 
when placed in the lantern and projected on the 
screen, the result was very different and sometimes 

“Fine paintings photographed and reproduced in 
this way—the colours of the original carefully repeated 
—and when thrown on the screen through the lantern, 
had no appearance of a ‘magic lantern picture’ 
about it, but the actual picture itself there before the 
eye ; every touch of the master visible on the canvas 
that could be seen on the original. No hand-painted 
copy on canvas by any one could compare with it. 
Such a picture could be exhibited in any city through 
the lantern for a given number of hours each day or 
evening for weeks or months ; just as great paintings 
are exhibited in suitable places to the public at large. 
In like manner many works of the great masters of 
old might be—as some have been—carefully photo- 
graphed, from the negative of which lantern slides of 
high quality could be produced, and coloured by some 
able artist, with the tone and colour of the original 
reproduced projected on the screen thesame size as the 
original, and exhibited for the edification and benefit of 
artistic souls in all parts ofthe world. This would be 
the nearest approach to witnessing the great original, 
where all its qualities could be examined at leisure, 
criticised and remembered. What an amount of 
delight would exhibitions of this kind not give to very 
many who might never have an opportunity of visiting 
the places and countries where so many great works 
are to be seen. Outside of reproduction of great 
artistic creations, ancient and modern, many subjects 
in nature are capable of being photographed in a 
manner worthy of being included among high-class 
artistic productions. Fine landscape pictures, coloured 
in the manner referred to, had an appearance on the 
screen that might be taken for a production of Hor. 
McCulloch or Waller Paton. In ordinary exhibitions 
of slides a certain number may be shown, giving time 
for reasonable description, and maybe criticism, on 
each, but pictures of real merit can well afford to be 
shown alone, or a few if equal, and should have an 
hour or an evening devoted to one or more for 
criticism, admiration, and consideration. I am aware 
of the difficulty at present to get such a proposal 
carried out, but still, if placed before clubs and societies 
in suitable terms, it is sometimes surprising the num- 
ber of real lovers of art willing to move in the right 
direction. Of course there are some people who can- 
not endure to look at anything that they may have 
seen before, pictures or anything else ; but I mean 
those who know and believe, with Keats, that 

‘A thing of beauty is a joy tor ever: 

Its loveliness increases. It will never 
Pass into nothingness.” 


The Lantern Society.—A Hint. 
By L. M. 

I OBSERVE ina recent issue that the Lantern Society 
is to launch into its meetings very soon. Some non- 
photographic societies to which I have the honour to 
belong have some very pleasant meetings, and very 
instructive too, at which no lecture or paper is read. 

They may, in fact, be termed conversational meetings, 
No subject is announced, but after the meeting is 
called to order, a few remarks may be made by the 
chairman upon some subject within the range for 
which the society exists. This not as a speech, but 
simply as a means of opening a conversation, which 
method will be found to call forth opinions from those 
present, and once the general conversation gets started, 
it will be found that many will express opinions, 
give hints about their ways of working, and 
supply very acceptable information. Now, with 
regard to a paper which is first read and then debated 
upon, there is a certain formality about the replies, 
which must be kept within a certain groove. It 
is well known that about 75 per cent. of a general 
meeting, although they may have al] the knowledge 
required, prefer to listen only, instead of replying by 
a set speech, whereas had they been in conversation, 
those present would feel free from the restraint con- 
nected with making a speech. 

If this method of conversation were carried out at 
certain meetings I think there will be no doubt of their 
being a very great success. 


Signals for Changing Slides. 


A NUMBER of first-class lantern exhibitions are to a 
great extent spoiled by the use of a bad signal for 
changing the slides. 

The signal has hitherto been looked upon as a very 
minor part of the exhibition, but I believe in future it 
will be regarded as a most important item among 
lantern accessories. 

What can be more annoying to a lecturer than to 
have to rattle a tinkling bell, perhaps at the most 
interesting part of his lecture? Besides being a 
nuisance to the lecturer, it distracts the attention of 
the audience ; and supposing the operator should not 
have the slide already in the lantern, half the audience 
turn round to see what he is doing. This is no 
exaggerated idea. 

Then there is the flash signal. This I consider 
very little better than the bell, as most of the audience 
see the flash, and of course expect to see the picture 
changing immediately. Another great disadvantage 
of this signal is that the operator must be on the look 
out for it, or there may be a very awkward pause in 
the middle of the lecture. This should not be the 
case if the operator is working only a small lantern, 
but with a triple and mixed gases he has plenty to do 
to look after them. This signal lamp must also be in 
a fixed place, and of course requires the lecturer to be 
always near it when a fresh slide is required. 

These forms have no doubt answered their purpose 
to a certain extent, but only in a very rude way, as also 
the well-known “thump, thump” on the floor with the 
pointer, or “‘ Next, please.” 

There are many other methods for signalling, but 
all more or less have great disadvantages, and are 
certainly against the success of a good exhibition. 
What is wanted is a good signal, which the lecturer 
can use at any part of the platform, and that the 
operator may hear without in any way distracting the 
attention of the audience. This seems a large order, 

40 The Optiosl Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlargot. 

and the only thing I know of that can supply it is 

I have had in use for the last six months an electric 
signal, which fully answers the above, and works 

admirably. It is exceedingly simple, although to | 

readers unacquainted with electricity it may seem com. 
plicated to explain. It is simply an electro-magnet, 
with a short armature above, which can be drawn 
down on to the magnet with a weak current from an 
electric battery, and gives a sharp tap. A double line 
of wire runs round the room or hall, and need not be 
fastened with staples, but laid across a wall, ledge, or 
gas-bracket. The wire ends at the platform, with 
about three yards of flexible wire cord, with a push at 
the end. 

The magnet, or—as it should properly be called—the 
“sounder,” is put on the lantern box, and can be con- 
nected to a small portable Leclanché battery. It is 
then quite ready for working. As soon as the lights 
are down the lecturer may take up the small push 
and proceed with his lecture, and when a fresh slide 
is required he has simply to press the button. The 
operator will then hear a sharp tap on the magnet, 
which can very rarely be heard by the audience. By 
this means a code of communication may be made 
between lecturer and operator—one tap for next slide, 
two taps for focussing, and so on. 

The whole affair can be put up in a few minutes, 
and the slight extra trouble is fully repaid in the 

I have used a small instrument of this kind in all 
kinds of halls and school-rooms with the greatest 
success, the operator generally taking the credit for 
having a good memory, and bringing the views on the 
canvas just when required. 

Almost any electrician would make up all required 
for a few shillings ; or to those having a slight know- 
ledge of electricity it would be quite easy to make the 
instrument one’s self. 


Washing Sitters’ Faces. 


ATTENTION has already been called in this Journal to 
the fact that a better photograph of an individual may 
be taken if the face is sponged a short time before 
“sitting,” than can be obtained an hour or more after 
the individual has performed his toilet. From a 
photographer’s point of view much retouching labour 
may be saved by the “ washing.” 

The skin of persons of mature age becomes filled 
with numerous lines and crevices; these are mostly at 
and around the eyes, mouth and between the eye- 
brows, and a skilful photographer, in arranging the 
lighting, tries his best to overcome the hardness of the 
shadows caused thereby ; but all crevices will ina short 

time collect—to speak plainly—dirt, not perhaps | 
sufficient to be detectable to the ordinary eye, but | 

certainly to the eye of the camera, the lens. ‘These 
lines, though slight, are reproduced in the negative with 
a great degree of hardness, which the retoucher has to 
pile lead upon in order to reduce them more in keep- 
ing with the surroundings. Although I am nota profes- 
sional photographer, but a painter of portraits, thesame 

rule applies, and I have ofttimes observed in various | 

sittings with the same customer, that sometimes I have 
experienced great difficulty in procuring the desired 
expression ; and have frequently advised my sitter to 
bathe the face with a handkerchief wet with Jay rum. 
This was a delicate way of obtaining the effects of “a 
wash,” and has in my experience never given any 
offence. I have also naticed that, for five to ten minutes 
after one has thoroughly washed one’s face with soap 
and water, there is a certain puffiness under the eyes ; 
this however rapidly goes off. Consequently I think 
that the most favourable time to have a negative taken 
is about a quarter of an hour after making the toilet. 


Discs and their Relation to 
the Lens, 

AS the issue of this journal containing the table for 
ascertaining the relation of the lens to the size of disc, 
&c., is almost out of print, and there are applications 
being made for that number, we here reproduce the 
article, together with the table. 

When one is called upon to give a lantern entertain- 
ment in a hall or room, the following questions will be 
uppermost in the mind of the operator :—(1) What 
size of disc can be obtained with a lens of a certain 
focus? (2) How far distant from the screen must the 
lantern be placed in order to get a disc of a certain 
size with a given lens of ascertained focus? Doubtless 
many more questions will arise, but these mentioned 
will be of the most importance. It isa “rule of thumb” 
practice for an operator to wheel his apparatus up and 
down a room inorder to find the desired position from 
which to officiate ; and the minds of any spectators 
will not be confirmed in the idea that the exhibitor 
thoroughly understands his business. How very much 
more simple and satisfactory is it to reason thus before 
starting for the place of entertainment. A screen of 
—ft. diameter is required, so if I bring a lens of — 
focus the lantern must be —ft. from the screen, the 
length of the room being of course taken into con- 
sideration in order to ascertain that it is possible to 
erect the lantern at the desireddistance. This having 
been ascertained beforehand, all that is required is to 
take an objective of the desired focus and measure off 
the necessary space between the screen and the place 
where the lantern should be set. 

Supposing we are called upon to operate the lantern 
in a hall 25ft. in length, we first ascertain the size of 
disc desired, which we will suppose to be 1oft. With 
an objective having a focus of 6in., how far from the 
screen must the lantern be placed in order to produce 
a roft. disc ? 

Here is the rule by which it can be ascertained. 

Let A=focus of objective. 

B=diameter of slide. 
== si ., disc, 
, D=distance. between the lantern and screen. 

Multiply the diameter of the circle required (C) by 
the focus of the lens (A), and divide by the diameter 
of the slide (B). 



It is thus seen that in order to producea Joft. disc with 

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. v. 

Trade Mark G.WW.WW. Registered. 

th LANTERN SLIDES © 6. ©. witson & Co, Aberdeen, Scotland, 



_ Wooden Spade, &c. 

Part I.—From Oban to Skye. 
31 Slides, Price £1 11s. : 
We start from Oban and go north to Skye, round which we sail, 
In Skye we are shown a number of studies of Crofter Life—such as 
Woolspinning, Grinding Corn by the Handmill, the Cas Chrom, or 


207 Slides (no Reading). 
Sclected Biblical texts in plain bold type, without any ‘'orna- 
mental ”' or ‘elaborate’ borders. 

Part II,_The Outer Hebrides. 
36 Stides, Price £1 lCs. 

We go round Lewis, and then visit other islands in the extreme 
West, winding up with a series of scenes in St. Kilda—the most 
westerly island in Great Britain—.which, until quite recently, had 
communication with ‘the adjacent island of Great Britain’ only 

once in tweive months. 

Instantaneous Studies of Clouds, Shipping, &c. 
98 Slides (no Reading), Price £A \Ss. : ae: 
The cream of 40 years’ continuous photography. This series is 
onc that, without exaggeration, may be said to be unequalled in the 
quality both of the slides and of the plates from which they are printed. 

“The Dukerios” and Sherwood Forest. 
: 47 Slides, Price £2 %s. 

Views of Worksop, Clumber House, Thoresby House, Welbeck 
Abbey, &c.—the residences of the Dukes and Earls from which this 
part of the country gets its name—and some of Sherwood Forest, 
and Southwell. 

Antiquities at Athens. 
: 1G Stides (no Reading), Price is. . 
16 Views of the Chief Antiquities of Athens, the Acropolis, the 
Parthenon, &c._ 

The City of Rochester and its Associations with 
the Life of Charles Dickens. 
23 Slides, Price £1 3s. 
This set is described by its title. First there are views of Roch- 
ester Castle, § views of the Cathedral, and then scenes in the City. 

“Tho Ancient Kingdom 0’ Fife.” 
54 Slides, Price £2 14s. 

A tour through the “ East Neuk,” witha description of the old 
University Town of St. Andrews, beloved of golfers, and the quaint 
Fishing Villages along the coast, with a view of each of those 
triumphs of engineering, the Forth and the Tay Bridges. 

The Forth Bridge. 
. 12 Sdides, Price 12s. 
12 Slides (half of them from drawings, and half of them from the 
actual building), describing the Principle and Construction of this 
remarkable Bridge. 

The Alhambra. 
26 Slides, Price £1 Gs. 
A series of views of this beautiful Palace of the Kings of Granada, 
Gencral Views showing its position, and then Interior views of the 
different Courts, with details of the Moorish decorations. 

Orkney and Shetland. 
40 Slides, Price £2. 

Here Kirkwall starts the list, followed by its ancient Cathedral 
of St. Magnus (built 1127), Bishop's Palace, Old Man of Hoy, 
Lerwick, the most northern town in the British Isles, &c. The last 
two of the set show Shetland ponies and a Shetland knitter. 

The Architecture of England. 
56 Slides, Price £2 16s. . 
A series of 56 views showing the Development of Architecture 
in England from the earliest times down to its latest production in 
the shape of the New Law Courts and the Natural History Museum, 

- S. Kensington. 

English Cathedrals. 
44 Slides, Price £2 4s. 

One Exterior and one Interior View of 22 English Cathedrals, 
viz. :—Canterbury, York, Durham, St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey, 
Winchester, Lincoln, Lichfield, Hereford, Worcester, Salisbury, 
Ely, Gloucester, Wells, Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Rochester, Peter- 
borough, Beverley, Carlisle, and Ripon. 

Abbeys, Monasteries, and Priories of Ancient 
40 Slides, Price £2. 

This sct includes in Scotland, Iona Cathedral, St. Andrew's 
Cathedral, Cambuskenneth Abbey, Melrose Abhey, and Holyrood 
Chapel, &c. ; in England, Lindisfarne, Furness, Fountains, Tintern, 
Glastonbury, Kirkstall, Ricvaux, Whitby Abbey, &c. 

English Cathedrals. ; 

A series of short readings, each on a single cathedral. They 
are all arranged in the same way. First comes a general or distant 
view of the cathedral, then one or two near views, and the best 
Interior views, with any specially interesting parts. Usually one or 
two interesting views of the town the cathedral is situated in are 


Canterbury - - with 24 Slides, Price 24s. 
York - - - 1) 24 a » 24s. 
Chester - - - » «20 3 7 20s. 
Roohester= - - » «23 a8 os 238. 
Ely - - - - 1 «18 “i an 18s. 
Exeter - - - 1 «14 ‘3 ” 14s. 
Wells - - - » «20 Ae 33 20s. 
Lincoln - - - » «17 3 * 17s. 
Winchester - - y= (26 ‘a ve 26S. 
Salisbury - - «(4 He a 24s. 

While a number of others are in the printers’ hands. 

“The Shakespeare Country.” 
42 Slides, Price £2 2s. 

We are shown, first, the Oak Tree, marking the centre of 
England, at Leamington; Coventry and its spires, Kenilworth 
Castle, Warwick, Stratford-on-Avon, the birthplace and home of the 
immortal Shakespeare; Evesham, and Sulgrave, the ancestral home 
of George Washington. 

The Giant's Causeway. 
32 Slides (no Reading), Price £1 12s. 
32 views of this geologically interesting spot, showing the dif- 
ferent formations and the curious shape the basaltic rocks have taken. 

Portraits from Life. 
43 Slides (no Reading), Price £2 3s. 

Portraits from Life of Her Majesty the Queen, the Prince of 
Wales, and chief Members of the Royal Family of Great Britain, 
the principal European Sovereigns, prominent Statesmen, Littera- 
teurs, Artists, Musicians, &c. 

“Under Canvas.” 
ld Slides, Price lis. 
A bumorous set, describing life in a tent as experienced by 
Tommy Atkins. The illustrations are all taken from life during a 
regimental training in camp. 

Instantaneous Studies of Animals. 
SO Stides (no Reading), Price £4. 

A series of charming studies, chiefly by the most successful 
photographer in this branch that the world has seen, Charles Reid, 
Wishaw. Principally Domestic Animals, they are—every one of 
them—gems, and nothing equal to them has yet been produced. 

Instantaneous Studies of Trees. 
44 Slides (no Reading), Price £2 4s. 
_ Studtes of the commoner varieties of Trees—Limes, Birches, 
Firs, Oak, &c., and one of the Kinnell Vine, said to be the largest 
in the world. 

Detailed Lantern Slide Catalogue sent post-free on application. 2, St. Swithin St., Aberdeen, 

The Holy Land. 
80 Stides, Price £4. 

An intensely interesting set of SO photographs of Scenes in the 
Holy Land. Entering by the Desert from Egypt, the route is by 
Hebron and Bethlehem to Jerusalem, of which about 30 views are 
shown—then after a flying visit to the Convent of Mar Saba, on the 
borders of the Dead Sea—the route northward is resumed by way of 
Bethel, Samaria, and Shechem, and then to Galilee, where our 
Saviour spent the early years of His life. Afterwards a flying visit 
to Damascus is made, and then one view of Palmyra or Tadmor—the 
city founded by Solomon—is given as a finale. In the course of 
the trip are given various types of the different inhabitants of the 
land, such as Turks, Jews, Bedouin, groups of the celebrated natives, 
Bethlehem and Nazareth. 

Miscellaneous Series 
Of 12,000 views of the finest English and Scottish landscape scenery. 

See page viii. 

vi. Tho Optioal Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger. 


© Optical Lantern Slide Painting 

@pHE present is a favourable opportunity for having 
Slides done to order (the light now being pure, and 

an, the days long). We would urge upon those who can and 
Ba) do appreciate the “ FINE ARTS” to give us a trial, the 
difference between our work and that of most other 
‘.)) artists being very marked. We are forced into this 
, remark from the large amount of rubbish at present sold, 
ee) and which has brought disgrace upon all Coloured Slides. 
A trial order to do a few dozens will soon prove the vera- 

Z ; city of our remarks. And, as we do not cater for cheap 

work, we cannot undertake to quote low prices, but can thoroughly satisfy all 
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Artists, Opticians, and Lantern Makers, 

Established 34 Years. 

P.S.—One: set of our Slides were used 200 consecutive nights at Royal 
Polytechnic, London. Also by many principal institutions and by 
exhibitors all over the world. 

Slides, any size. 

_/ Negatives, Prints, Sketches, &c., copied as Lantern 
fos nits) 


N,B,—All Orders must arrive during the Summer and Autumn. 

NA Ome 

Lact y { 

So Ned Bee TUE be 0 Eh Ge 

The Optioal Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger. vil. 


“Combination” Lime-light Jet, 


It is interchangeable (‘ Mixed,” “Blow-through” and Dissolving Tap), without 
a loose part to be lost or mislaid. ; 

Both gases can be turned off, and the light turned up again to its full brilliance 
in a moment without touching the regulating taps. 

The spiral worm lime curner raises the lime half-inch per revolution, and will 
automatically divide the lime off, without any judgment on the part of the operator. 

Saves the entire cost of a Dissolver. 



(PATEN1), PRICE £1 16s. and £2 2s. 

(PIs Ye els oe el 

High-pressure Gas Regulator. 

It is all metal, and contains 
no rubber or leather to perish. 

About half the size, but 
twice as effective as any other. 

The gas from the bottle 
can be turned full on, and it 
will give off a perfectly uniform 

supply of ‘Gas; ‘using “up. the Fitted with new universal 

coupling and cone that will fit 
any bottle now in existence. 

very last of the gas from the 


JUST TRY THE EXPERIMENT.—Send 3 Negatives (any size) to be made into Lantern Slides; 
then COMPARE THEM IN THE LANTERN with ANY others on Gelatine or Dry Plates. 
We ask nothing more. 


Artists, and Lantern Makers, 





Tho Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlargor. 

Trade Mark G.WW.WW. Registered. 

The LANTERN SLIDES of G. W. WILSON & Co., Aberdeen, Scotland, 


“Modern Babylon:” a Trip to London. 
50 Stiacs, Price £2 10s. 

Beginning at St. Paul's Cathedral (5 slides), we go through the 
City to the Tower, and go up the Thames to the Houses of Parlia- 
ment (t slides) and Westminster Abbey (9 slides), and then through 
the West-end, finishing at the Albert Memorial. 

Round about London. 
38 Slides, Price £1 18s. 

Starting at Hatfield House and St. Albans, with its newly. 
restored Cathedral, we are shown a few slides of Windsor Castle 
and vicinity, and then go down the Thames via Hampton Court, 
Twickenham, and Richmond, and finish at Greenwich and Roches- 
ter. This set is complete in itself, but forms a good supplementary 
lecture to the one on London. 

The Lowlands of Scotland. 
50 Slides, Price £2 10s. : a 

A companion set tothe Highlands, and arranged ina similar 
manner. A Map of Scotland is shown first, then views of Edin- 
burgh and the Three Lothians, Melrose, Abbotsford and Dryburgh 
—the Land of Scott, and then Dumfries and Ayrshires—the Land 
of Burns, winding up with some lovely views of the River Clyde 
before it ts polluted by the factories of Glasgow. 

Derbyshire and the Peak, 
52 Slides, Price £2 12s. 

A series of charming views of Derbyshire, arranged in the order 
of Buxton and vicinity ; Edensor, Chatsworth. exterior and interior; 
Haddon Hall; about a dozen views of Dovedale; and a few of 
Hardwick Hall, built by the famous ‘‘ Bess of Hardwick.” 

A Day in Oxford. 

52 Slides, Price £2 12s, 

Mntering by the road from London we are shown, in succession, 

the principal colleges, including Gof Magdalen, 4 of Merton, 7 of 

Christ Church, 4 of Exeter, 4 of New Colleze, and single views of 

others, and are then taken back to Magdalen Bridge, whence we 

A Visit to Cambridge. 
50 Slides, Price £2 10s. 

A companion set to the Oxford one. Entering from the Rail- 
way we are taken round the “lions” of the city, and are shown, 
among others, G views of King's College, and Chapel, 7 of ‘Trinity, 
6 of St. John’s, $ of Queen's, 3 of Christ's, 3 of Clare College, 
several views of the River and Bridges, &c., and wind up with some 
of the Public Buildings. 

Windsor Castle. 

40 Stides, Price £2. 

First, a Ground Plan of the Castle is shown, then, in the order 

in which a visitor would see them, St. George's Chapel, the various 

Exterior Views of the Castle itself, the State Apartments, the Pri- 

vate Apartments (never shown to the public, and permission to 

photograph which is very seldom given), the Grounds of the Castle 

and Royal Mausoleums, and then a View of Clewer Church and one 
of Eton College. 

A Day at Chatsworth and Haddon Hall. 
32 Strides, Price £1 12s. 

A fuller and more complete set of the two most interesting parts 
of the Derbyshire lecture. In the Chatsworth part are showna 
selection trom the unrivalled collection of Sculptures in the posses- 
sion of the Duke of Devonshire, and in the Haddon Hal! part are 
shown a number of the Interiors of this unique survival of Eliza- 
bethan architecture. There are 16 Chatsworth and 16 Haddon 
Hall views. 

ai Slides, Price £2 lus. 
York and York Minster $ slides, Ripon 4, Fountains Abbey 3, 
Scarboro’ S, Whitby 10, Bolton Priory 6, Kirkstall Abbey, Don- 
caster, Roche Abbey, &c. 

The Queen's Highland Home, Balmoral Castle. 
40 Slides, Price £2. 

A companion set to the Windsor one. Approaching from Aber- 
deen, distant and near views of the Castle are given, then various of 
the Private Apartments, and finally, some of the beautiful views in 
the Castle Grounds or ‘‘ Policies,” finishing with a Cottae’s Kitchen 
often visited by the Queen, and a Portrait of Her Majesty taken at 
Balmoral. Nineteen of the views in this set are from negatives 
taken specially for Her Majesty's own use, and are used here by 
special permission. 

The Beauties of Perthshire. 
52 Slides, Price €2 12s. 

Perth, Crieff, and the Sma' Glen, Dunblane, Doune and 
Callander, the Trossachs and Loch Katrine, Loch Lubnaig, Killin, 
and Loch Tay, famed for its salmon fishing ; Aberfeldy and the 
Falls of Moness, sung of by Burns; Blair-Athole, Killiecrankie, 
and Dunkeld. The series comprises some of the finest scenery in 

Ben Nevis and its Observatory. 
ld Slides, Price 16s. 

A short reading describing the history of the erection and the 
work of this—the Highest Observatory in Great Britainand Ireland 
--concluding with a few views of Scenes on the Summit in Summer 
and Winter. 

The Stately Homes of England. 
50 Sétdes, Price £2 10s. 

Typical, Exterior, and Interior views of some of the Homes of 
our English Nobility, including Windsor Castle, the residence of 
the Queen; Newstead Abbey, inherited by the poet Lord Byron ; 
Welbeck Abbey, the Duke of Portland's; Chatsworth, ‘the Palace 
of the Peak," the Duke of Devonshire’s ; Hardwick Hall ; Aln- 

wick Castle; Eaton Hall; Hawarden, Mr. Gladstone's seat, Xc. 

Chester and its Neighbourhood. 
20 Stides, Price £1. 

Chester Cathedral, several of the finest of the quaint Timbered 
Houses and ‘‘ Rows," with several views of the great ‘‘ show place,” 
Eaton Hall, the seat of the Duke of Westminster ; and of Hawar- 
den, the seat of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone. 

Ruined Castles of Scotland. 
45 Slides, Prtve €2 is. 
Including Loch Leven, Craigmillar, Roslyn, Dumbarton, Both- 
well, Rothesay, Carrick, Scalloway, &c. ‘This set of 45 different 
castles gives a very instructive history of Scotland in ancient times 
as told by these buildings. 

“Auld Reekie’”—A Visit to Edinburgh. 
46 Slides, Price £2 6s. 

Edinburgh, as seen coming in from the South, is first shown, 
then a number of views in the City in their topographical order 
going along Princess Street, then ascending to the Castle, and 
going down to Holyrood Palace, by way of the old High Street, 
and concluding by a run to Roslyn Chapel and its world-famed 

The Highlands of Scotland. 
52 Slides, Price £2 12s. 

First a Map of Scotland is shown on which the rcute to be fol- 
lowed may be traced, then Glasgow is visited, then the Clyde, and 
on to Oban, Staffa and Iona, up the great Caledonian Canal to 
Tnverness, from thence a flying visit is made to Kirkwall in the 
Orkneys, and Dunrobin Castle —the seatof the Duke of Sutherland, 
the largest landed proprietor in the three kinydoms-—and then south 
to Aberdeen and Deeside, Arbroath, Perth, Killiecrankie and the 

Glasgow and “Doon the Water.” 
55 Slides, Price £2 15s. 

Commencing near the source of the Clyde, we are shown the 

lovely Falls of Clyde; then through smoky and rainy Glasgow, 

Paisley Abbey, past the grim Rock of Dumbarton, and down the 

river till it loses itself in the waters of the Atlantic. On the way we 

have some beautiful Yachting scenes and scenery of varied descrip- 
tion — water, wood, hill, glen, and architecture. 

Types of ‘the British Army. 
12 Siides (x0 Reading), Price 12s. 
Groups of soldiers of different regiments—Highlanders, Hus- 
sars, Artillery, Lancers, Commissariat and Transport Corps, &c. 

The West Coast of Scotland. 
OT Stides, Price £3 7s. 

Starting with a beautiful study of Oban Bay, we are taken 
through wild scenery and life on the barren but magnificent islands 
on the West Coast of Scotland. The set may he had in two parts, 
each being complete in itself, and for all purposes a separate lecture, 
or the two together form one interesting reading not too long to be 
tiresome, and with fine views. 

Maps. 7 
2S Slides (x0 Reading), Price £1 Ss. 
Maps of the Principal Countries in the World. 

Detailed Lantern Slide Catalogue sent Post-free on application. 2, St. Swithin St., Aberdeen, 
See page v. 

Tho Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 


a 6in. objective, the lantern must be placed 2oft. from the 
screen. On the other hand, we may possess several 

lenses of different foci, and it is necessary that the screen | 
and the lantern must occupy certain positions which | 

we will suppose to be just 20ft. apart, and that the 
diameter of the disc must be toft. 
ascertain whether we must use a lens of 4d, 5, 6, 7, or 
other number of inches in focus ? 

Multiply the distance between the lantern’and the 
screen (D) by the size of opening of slide (B) and 
divide by the size of disc (C). 

How are we to ; th 
‘ divide by the focus of the lens used (A), which gives us 

Again: We have a lens of 6in. focus, and intend 
that 2oft. shall intervene between the lantern and 
the screen, and wish to know what size of disc can be 
produced. In order to calculate this it is necessary 
that we multiply the distance between the lantern and 
the screen (D) by the size of slide opening (LB) and 

x 3 
A 6 
The following Ready Reference Table has been 

computed by the foregoing rule, and by a glanceit will 

=C size of disc—~° =roft. diam. of disc. 

Dx B 20 x 3_¢ ‘ show the relations between lantern and disc with 
C a a Oo spin fOCue: object-glasses of every focus from 4in. to 15in. 
| Distance FOCUS OF LENS. 
veureen tin din Gin. Tin, 8in. Yin. lOin. lin. 12in. 13in. din. 9 Ldn. | 
antern = ie ah Sg tk Dee - < 

and Screen. ; DIAMETER OF DISC. 

moe eT ft. ine ft. ing) ft ins? ft. in) ft. ins, ft. in. “ft. in. ft. in., ft. in. ft. im.] ft. in. 
lofet.' 7 6! 6 0: 5 O| 4 B 89: 3 4 3 0 2 9 2 6| 2 4: 2 2 2 0! 
ll, 8 3° 6 7 5 6 4 9 4 2 3 8 3 4 3.0 29; 26: 2 4 2 2; 
12, 9 0! 7 2} 6 0 5 2 4 6 4 0 3 07 3 3 3 0 29:27 2 4 
13": 55 9 9, 7.10, 6 6 5 7 411; 4 4 3 11 3.7 3 3 3 0 29 27 
14, 10 6; 8 3 7 0 6 0 5 3: 4 .8 4 2 3 10 3.7 3 3 3 0 2 9 

/ 154, 1l 3: 9 0 7 6 6 5 6 8 5 0 4 6 4 1 3 9 3 6 3 3 3 0 

20 ,, 15 0/12 0/10 0 8 7 7 6 6 8 6 0 5 6 5 0; + 7 4 3 40; 

Ne2o> cig) 18 9/15 0; 12 6; 10 9 9 4 8 4 7 6 6 10 6 3: 5 9 5 4 5 0) 
30 =, 22 6/18 0! 15 0f1210/ 11 3/10 O 9 0 8 2 7 6: 611; 6 5 6 0} 
35, 26 3,21 0/17 6/15 0; 13 1; 11 8/10 6 9 6 8 9; 8 1 7 6] 7 0 
40, 30 0 | 24 0)20 0/17 2)15 0/13 4/12 0); 1010 10 0; 9 2 8 6 8 0 
45, 33 9127 0)22 6/19 3|1610:15 0/13 6/12 3 11 3,10 4 9 8 9 0 
60 37 6130 0/25 0/21 5/18 9:16 8115 0:13 8 12 Gill 6 109/10 Oj 
EXxameces,—An Bin. focus lens at a distance of 35ft. will give a disc of 13ft. lin. ‘Io produce a disc of 12ft. with a lens of 10in, focus, 

the !antern and screen must be separated by 40ft. To produce a disc of 15ft. at a distance of 45ft. will require 2 lens of Qin. focus. 

The Arc Light for Projection.” 
By Dr. L. H. Laupy. 

A GENERAL adoption of the electric arc light for pur- 
poses of projection is not far distant, and having 
devoted some time to the subject, following it up from 
the days in which the current was produced from 
batteries until to-day, when we have on tap a current 
of electricity, as we have gas or water supplies, it seems 
most fitting that my experience should be given to the 

members of this society, and my object in inviting you : 

here this evening is to give you some experimental 
facts, and ask your verdict as to its application for 
lantern projections. 

Our usual method has been to make use of incan- 
descent lime. This was a great advance from the oil 
‘lamp, and to-night we take probably the last step in 
this direction of improved illumination, and make use 
of the most intense artificial light known to science. 

Artificial light is generally produced by raising some 
body to a high temperature. If the temperature of 
the body be greater than that of the surrounding 
atmosphere it parts with some of its energy in the 
form of radiation, and at a high temperature this 
radiation becomes sensible to the eye, passing from 
red, vellow, green, to blue and violet. At the present 

* Read before the Society of Amateur Photographers, N.Y. 

i time for all artificial illumination the radiant body is 

some form of carbon, either incandescent or combining 
with the oxygen of the air. 

The electric light is the outgrowth of the experi- 
ments of Sir Humphrey Davy, made at the Royal 
Institute, London, in 1801, when he used 2,000 cells, 
with which he decomposed Na. and K. and separated 

: their metallic bases. These experiments were repeated 

and extended, and by using charcoal points as terminals 
an intense and dazzling light was produced, to which 
the name voltaic arc was given. Foucault used a more 
dense form of carbon for his newly-invented lamp or 
regulator, producing a more steady and uniform light. 

The arc light when produced from a battery, 
brilliant as it is, was confined to the lecture-room or 
an occasional outdoor display. The fatal difficulty 
was the labour and cost of the electrical energy, and it 
was not until the discovery of induced currents by 
Faraday that this obstacle was removed. 

It was many years before any practical application 
was made of this most important electrical discovery, 
and it required the combined forces of Nollett, Von 
Maldern, Holmes, Wilde, Ladd, and Siemens to pro- 
duce by mechanical means, direct from motion, a 
supply of electrical energy that would equal that pro- 
duced from the battery. Evenas late as 187othis did 
not seem possible, for the best dynamos at that time 
yielded only a small amount of electrical energy. 


The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger. 

In 1871 Gramme presented to the Academy of 
Science a description of a new form of magneto- 
electric machine possessing new features, which were 

so remarkable as to astonish all the world. Gramme ! 
conceived the idea of using a ring, and rotating this j 

between the poles of a magnet in such a way as to pre- 
vent reversals in the armature. 
idea. Nevertheless it produced in practice a machine 
that yielded large currents iit much less cost, and laid 
the foundation of our present system of electric 

From whatever source the electricity is supplied to 
produce light, it is necessary that the current meets 
with a resistance, and this condition is best fulfilled 
when two pieces of carbon are made to touch and 
then slightly separated. Thecurrent in passing between 
the space so increases the resistance as to produce 
light of great intensity, and is called the arc light. 

That a constant resistance may be maintained 
favourable to the production of light, some mechanical 
device that will separate and regulate the distance of 
the carbons is essential. Such an apparatus is called 
a regulator or arc lamp. There are few inventions 
on which so much ingenuity has been expended as 
on arc lamps. The number is already very great 
and is on the increase, and every bulletin of the 
patent office is sure to contain several inventions of 
this kind. 

Between the better lamps there is not much to 
choose for ordinary illumination, but for special 
purposes, as in the case of lantern projection, some 
points are of vital importance, for the success will 
depend mainly upon the steadiness, good behaviour, 
and the excellence of the automatic feed, quality 
and position of the carbons, together with a uniform 
action of the dynamos. 

At present arc lights are run both by continuous 
and by alternating currents, z.e., in some cases the 
Current is steadily in the same direction, while in others 
the current consists of pulses, alternately positive and 
negative, succeeding each other at the rate of from 200 
to 300 per second. 

The first lamp for regulating the position of the 
carbons was devised by Thomas Wright, of London, 
in 1845. A few years later Le Molt, of France, de- 
vised a clock-work regulator which kept the light 
steady for several minutes at a time, but the flickering 
was too great to make it of any practical value. These 
were followed by Archerean, Lacassagre, and Garffe, 
each lamp an improvement on the other, which 
brought the standard of regulators near to practical 

In 1549 Foucault devised a clock-work regulator 
that differed in many details from the ones before 
used, and gave comparative satisfaction. It was ex- 
tensively employed for scientific purposes, and, in fact, 
was the only lamp that was suitable for lantern projec- 
tion, and is to-day used in many physical laboratories 
in preference to other lamps. 

The next advance was by Serrin, whose regulator 
kept the carbons exceedingly steady and maintained 
them in their relative positions. This lamp has been 
used for light-house illumination, and still maintains 
that position, for, like the Foucault, it is a focussing 
lamp, the function of which is to maintain the carbons 
at acentral point. To produce this effect the carbons 
are so arranged that a different motion is imparted to 

Many ridiculed this | 

each, that the wearing away be compensated for by a 
rapid movement ofthe positive pole with only a gradual 
waste of the negative carbon. By this simultaneous 
approach of both carbons, the positive moving through 
double the distance of the negative, the arc preserves 
its normal length and its position is maintained in 
space. This is accomplished by an ingenious me- 
chanical device, actuated either by clock-work or 
electric magnets. 

The regulation of the length of the arc that shall 
produce the most intense light with the least current 
is confined to very narrow limits, and the mechanical 
construction of the lamp that will yield satisfactory 
results must be most perfect. In many of the lamps 
this regulation is still wanting, and lamps lacking the 
above essentials, that are put together without regard 
to any electrical laws, with the hope that chance may 
make them work, produce a hissing and hammering 
noise that is disagreeable when silence is required, and 
are not to be recommended for any purpose. 

However well the regulation, due to the electrical 
and mechanical part of the lamp, they cannot regulate 
the minute accidental variations in the structure of the 
carbons which causes a shifting of the arc or chasing, 
and as the arc flies around the direction of maximum 
emission will change with it. These fluctuations pro- 
duce immense variation in the intensity of the light, 
changing back and forth from 400 to 2,000 candles. 
Great improvements have been effected in the homo- 
geneity of the carbons, and the time is not far distant 
when the flickering will be entirely removed. 

The mechanical and electrical regulating devices 
are all that could be desired, and at present the light 
is not too irregular to be adopted for purposes of pro- 
jection. With any good regulation, results may be 
obtained that far exceed in brilliancy any of the old 
methods employed. This matter of increased intensity 
is of great importance, especially in large public halls, 
where in many cases the picture is enlarged many 
hundred times without regard to the diminished light 
produced by means of the oxy-hydrogen light. 

In considering the application of the electric light 
as a source of illumination, it is very important to 
Notice just what position the carbon poles must occupy 
in relation to certain requirements. 

For outdoor illumination the axes should coincide, 
that the crater formed in the upper carbon may act as 
a reflector, and thus produce an increased downward 
illumination. Advantage is taken of the crater-like 
reflection to cast the rays at variable angles in a given 

To obtain the best effects for lantern projections the 
carbons are arranged that the axis of the upper carbon 
coincides with the edge of the lower carbon farthest 
from the condenser. In this position of the carbons 
the light will be concentrated upon one side and radiate 
freely in front, and will be cut off from behind, with 
little escape at either side. From this it follows that 
many different results can be obtained, depending 
upon the position of the carbon. 

(To be continued.) 


WITH ordinary care and attention the limelight is easily 
managed, and the lantern is in the hands of an intelligent 
photographer a means of profit and entertainment unthought 
of a few years ago.— Henry Cuaper. 

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger. ix. 







Rouch’s “Eureka” Hand Detective Camera. 

IVES instantaneous pictures eminently adapted for the Optical Lantern, Book Illustrations, or 

a Sketches for the Artist ; and is now in great demand by Tourists, Artists, Special Correspondents, 

and Missionaries. It differs from all others in its compactness, but is invaluable in this special 

feature, that when its contents of one dozen plates have been exposed the reservoir containing them may 

he removed im Open daylight, and a second, third, or fourth reservoir, each containing 

twelve or more plates, may be inserted in succession, no dark tent for changing plates being now 

Lens, Camera, and all fittings of very highest class, and made on our premises. 

The Improved ‘‘Eureka’’ is coverei by several Patents. 

+ Price — For Lantern sizo Plates, £5 17 6; Quartcr Plates, £6 12 6. 

2 If reservoir is made detachable, 10s. each instrument extra, Additicnal reservoirs fitted—Lantern size, £2 53.5 
Quarter Plate, €2 lis. 

anurded the only Afedal for Hand Cameras at Crystal Palace Fexhrbition. 
W. W. ROUCH & Co., 180, Strand, London, Fectory 2ntrance” 48, Norfolk 

w. B. Whittingham & Co, 

43, Charterhouse Square, and 91, Gracechurch Street, London. 

Most suitable and Camera for making Lantern Slide Negatives is undoubtedly the Swinden and Earp’s Patent. 
Uost portable, most reliable, most simple. 20 exposures without refilling, Write for particulars and specimens. 


Price 8d.5 per post 34d. 



Che Photographic Tews 

Is a high-class journal that has long been recognised as the guide and instructor of the beginner, the medium of communi- 
cation and interchange of ideas between more advanced students, and the record of all improvements and discoveries 
which take place in photography and the allied sciences. It contains information derived from foreign as well as domestic 
sources ; reviews of photographic books, reports of the transactions of English and foreign photographic societies replies to 
correspondents seeking information on photographic and other scientific subjects of a like nature, &c., &c, 


Tho Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 

31 by 3! 
Photographic Slides. 

Comprising a variety of amusing 
and instructive sets, and mis- 
cellaneous subjects, including — 

Nursery Tales, Robinson 

ree Soldier's Progress, 
Pilgrim's Progress, The 

Bottle, Buy Your Own 

Cherries, Scenery, Natural 

History, Hymns, Portraits 
of Celebrities, &c., &c. 

Plain Photos .. each 6d. 
Artistically Hand-Painted ,, Is. 

Also a number of Eligh- Class 
Slides, including British and 
Foreign Scenery, Statuary, 
Mottces, and the New 

“Phantom” Series, 
laotographed from Life Models, 
and giving pictures with one Slide 
and one “Lantern, equal to any- 
thing of the kind hitherto ob- 

tained with two Slides and two 


Jack the Giant Killer. 
Gulliver’s Travels. 
Jackdaw of Rheims. 
Mother Hubbard. 
Pompey’s Joys and Sorrows. 
Fun's Edition of the Poets. 
Natural Ilistory. 

Palestine (Views of). 

Life of Joseph. 

Pilgrim's Progress. 

Life of Christ (2 series). 


Magis Lanterns and Slides, 



3t by 3}—Series A. 3; by 3}—Series B. 
Monochrome each 4d. Monochrome 
Coloured... 5, 6d. Coloured ... 

Yhese Slides are splendid value for money, and, from their extreme 
transparency, are specially suitable for Lanterns with an Oil Light. The 
Series consist of Humorous and Natural History subjects + also the 

each 6d. 


usual Mottoes—‘‘ Good Evening,’ ‘ Welcome," ‘‘ Good Night,” ‘ God 

Save the Queen,” &c., &c. 

Superior Quality Rackwork Slides, Hand Painted . 3/9 
9 7 Lever Action ,, i‘ 3/- 

Best Quality Interchangeable Double Motion Girsinawone Frames, 

fitted with pair of Photographic Hand Painted Designs, 5/8. Extra 
Discs, 1/-, 2/-, 3/- per pair. 


Beautifully Coloured. Each Set contains 12 Slides. 
Price 46 per Set; 3 Sets for 13’-; 6 Sets for 25/-. 
Dogs and Monks of St. Bob the Fireman. 
Bernard. Life in the Arctic Regions. 
Swiss Family Robinson. Canadian Life. 
Ruben Davidger. Mischievous Tominy. 

Curfew Must Not Ring  Tigerand Tul. Bluebeard. 
To-Night. Heroes of the Lifeboat. 

“Cash Three,” a Temper- 7 Victoria Cross. 
ance Story. John Gilpin. 

Natural Phenomena. Dick Whittington, 

3: by 3: 
Photographic Slides. 


A Crooked Lot ... 
Five Minutes of Boy Life 
Changes in the 
Every-Day Life 
Old Laws with 
Lazy Robert est tet 
Undigested Literature ... ... 
A Sketch froin the Sunny 
South : ashe tars 
Is Marriagea Failure? ... 
A Christmas Transformation 
and his 


Bustle of 


” Modern 

Cle bo 


The Greedy Boy 
Christinas Dreain.. 
A Lesson in Cleanliness. 
A Luna(r)tic Eclipse 
Pathing Adventures of 



Rev. Jones... on DO 
A Cat-as(s)trophe in 2 9 Acts seu, 32 
A Good Way to Remove a 

Bad Tooth we S 
Plain Photos each 6d. 

Hand Painted ‘each. 1/- and 1/6 


Old London. 

Elephant's Revenge. 
Overland Route to India. 

Emigrant’s Voyage. 

Arctic Expedition. 

Views of London (Modern). 
Continental ditto. 
Robinson Crusoe (2 series). 

Complete Lecture Books for the whole of the above Sets, Ninepence each. 

Full Size Changing Comic Slipping Slides in Mahogany Frames, 7/6 per doz. 

Lever Acti-n Slides, 2/3. Rackwork, 3/-. 

Best Quality Interchangeable Double Motion Chromatrope Frames with Pair of Splendid Designs, 4/6. 

Slides for Small Lanterns, an immense Variety. English Hand Painted from 6d. per doz. 

Chromo-Litho fromsd. per doz. 



These have japanned bodies 
with brass sliding fronts, are 
packed in neat boxes, and sent 
carriage paid, 


9/3, 8/-, 4/3, 5 
7.3, 10,3, 14", 

All burn Mineral Oil, are ofthe i 

new shape, and do not require a 
glass chimney. 


With 4-inch Compound Condensers, Achromatic Photo- 
graphic Combination (large diameter back lens), with Rack 

and Pinion. The Refulgent as has 3 Wicks. Price 30/- 
With Mahogany Body : a extra ,, I2/- 
The “Special” Bi-Unial ... n 75! 
The “Standard” ,, ‘ate ie or cee yy YEQ/- 
The “ Professional” ,, » 155/- 
Powerful Triple y: 290/- 

Boxes containing 4 Complete Sets (Nursery Tales, &c.), from 6d. each Box. 



Set No. 1, 8/-; No. 2, 10;6* 
No. 3, 15/9. 
Carriage Paid 1/- extra. 

Best Quality English 
Lanterns. No. 1, rts 
No. 2,4;/-; No.2, 6'3; No. 4, 10/- 

No. 5, 18/9; No. 7, 23/6. 

These are sent Carriage Paid. 

Lecturer’s Reading Lamps, with Flash Shutter, showing Red Light Signal, 3/6, Carriage Paid, 4/-. 

The Prices for Slides quoted above do not include Postage, 

New Descriptive Catalogue Gratis and Post Free, 


ROBERT H. CLARK, Royston, Herts. 

Ths Optioal Magic Lantera J ournal and Photographic Enlargor. 


Editorial Table. 

WILKINSON AND Co.'s SLIDES.—For some time 
past Messrs. W. T. Wilkinson and Co.’ have been 
advertising, “Send three negatives to have lantern 
slides produced, &c., and compare them with others.” 
This firm have sent us a sample dozen slides made 
from negatives thus received, some being from glass 
negatives of various sizes, whilst others have been 
taken from films, papernegatives. The transparencies, 
which are made by their special process, are clear, 
crisp, and well-defined, whilst they seem to be able to 
produce almost any tone required, ranging from a cold 
tone to one of great warmth, the former being a very 
desirable one when the slides are to be coloured, 
whilst the latter present a pleasing effect on the screen. 

FrasH Lamp.—A new flash lamp (Optimus) has 
made its appearance: Like all good things, it is very 
simple in construction. A supply of magnesium 
powder is placed ina reservoir situated immediately 

above the stand of the lamp ; and a sponge contained | 

in a receptacle at the outer end is charged with 

methylated spirit. To produce the flash, it is simply 
necessary to push the knob which is immediately 
below the reservoir, light the lamp, and squeeze the 
ball. The movement of the knob allows a certain 
quantity of the powder to descend into the tube, from 

whence it is blown up through the centre of the spirit | 

flame. This instrument is finely finished, and is 
nickel-plated, the stand being of wood. 

PAMPHLET.—How fo Make Transparencies, Lantern 
Slides, and Stercoscopic Slides, is a new and interesting 
pamphlet issued by Messrs. Mawson and Son. It 
contains nine pages of well-written and interesting 
matter, which is sub-divided under several headings. 
Particulars are also given of various developing and 
toning formula. We recommend our readers 

to those who may apply. 

G. W. WILSoNn’s CATALOGUE.—We have before us 
the catalogue of this well-known and popular Aberdeen 
firm. A condensed list of sets of high class will be 
found on our advertising pages, and a detailed list of 
the slides of each set will be sent, post free, on applica- 
tion. These sets have, we understand, been made up 
from the best plates in the series of the various districts 
illustrated. ‘Io those who have used the lantern slides 
of Messrs. Wilson and Co., their high class quality 
will be well known, whilst to others we would say that 
prizes have been awarded to this firm at numerous 
exhibitions for the excellence of theirslides. Although 
retail purchasers are requested to order through a 
dealer, Messrs. Wilson will take pleasure in affording 
any information and forwarding catalogues. 

1 to | 
obtain a copy. There being no price mentioned, we j 
presume it is the intention of this firm to present a copy | 

CoLouRED SiipEs, by J. W. McLellan, 36, St. 
Paul's road, Canonbury, London, N.—This firm have 
sent us a number of coloured photographic lantern 
slides, some of which are particularly fine; they are 
produced at a very low price. 

plies a long-felt want by both amateur and professional 
photographers. An easel at the end is made to travek 
backward and forward by means ofa fine rack and 
pinion adjustment, which enables the operator to 
quickly and accurately focus the picture to be copied. 
The easel has also two carriers, grooved to hold cards 

: or other papers, and rabbeted to hold frames carrying 

negatives, to be reduced or enlarged. These carriers’ 
can be raised or lowered, so as to bring the centre of 
the picture to be copied in the proper position required 
on the sensitive plate. The base board is grooved on: 
the edges to receive two brass clips to hold any of the 
modern cameras at any distance from the easel for 
copying or reducing. For enlarging a special bellows 
with focussing screen and dark slide to suit the re- 
quirements of the user can be supplied. When folded 
this apparatus is very compact. The cut shows it 

when ciosed. 

Strpes.—We have just received from Mr. R.H. 
Clark, of Royston, a number of slides, being samples: 
of sets he is introducing this season, consisting of 
religious subjects (plain), photo-micrographs (coloured), 
portraits of celebrities (plain), mottoes on tinted back- 
ground, and also combined in a view, hoar frost 
(tinted), hymns (both plain and tinted background), 
nursery tales, comics and landscape (painted), fine art 
gallery (painted) ; also a few specially for use with oil 
lanterns, some being in colours and others in mono- 
chrome. The painted photographs before us display 
the work of a clever artist ; and those that are merely 
‘tinted are delicate and even. On referring to the 
catalogue sent with the box of slides we find thattheir 
cost is extremely low, and we feel assured that Mr. 
Clark’s customers will be pleased with both the price. 
and thequality. We shall have pleasure in projecting 
some of these slides during this season. 



[Tu the Editar. } 

Ste,—In the September issue of your valuable paper we 
notice an article headed “ Some Small American Lanterms, 
bat Gud no mention of the instruments of our make, although 
several of the lanterns described bear a striking similarity to: 
: our “* New Departure styles of instruments, 2s described. 


The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photograpic Enlarger. 

-and illustrated in our catalogue, a copy of which we send you 

by mail this day. 

We claim to have led the way in the manufacture of the 
mest compact forms of lanterns, and send you a copy of our 
Bulletin No. 1, issued in 1$S6, at which time we introduced 
our New York model magic lantern, with oil light, and 
which was made possible by our patent bi-unial lamp, as it 
allowed us to dispense with the bulky forms of case previously 
required to enclose the light ; and the model and model dis- 
solving view apparatus, described on pages 32 and 36 of our 
catalogue, were the pioncers of small compact magic lan- 
terns, and we therefore gave this style of instrument the 
name of ‘‘ New Departure.” The advantages of these new 
forms led to our having many imitators. 

Our next addition was the oxy-hydrogen light, from which 
it was but a step tothe double Metropolitan, and double and 
triple International Stereopticons, which we introduced in 

Later, in 1889, and to meet the demand for a cheaper form 
of instrument, we brought out our Popular lantern. 

These “ New Departure” styles of instruments have the 
advantages of being strong, compact, light in weight, neat in 
appearance, simple in construction, easy to operate, furnished 
with the best of lenses and all accessories, and render mag- 
nificent results, 

You will note that one of the lanterns in article (Fig. 2) 
shows our patent bi-unial lamp, as you will see by comparing 
it with page 46 of catalogue, which lamp being a patented 
article, the manufacturers of the lantern illustrated purchase 
of us. 

We would also add that we were the first to adapt and 
introduce the bellows collapsible extension front, applying 
same to our Universal Stereopticon in 1876, but, unfortun- 
ately, we did not patent this application, and it is now 
extensively used, 

We cannot but believe that the author of the article must 
have been ignorant of these facts, and we, therefore, take 
pleasure in giving this information, which in justice to our- 
selves we trust you will notice. 

Craving your pardon for trespassing so much 
valuable time. —We are, yours truly, 

New York, Sept. roth, 1890. 

on your 


[Lo the Editor.) 

Dear S1r,—I have the pleasure to forward you herewith 
a copy of the bye-laws and regulations, which have been 
drawn up by the council, and which are applicable to the 
loan collection of slides. 

With the view of making this loan collection a success, I 
am desired to ask if you will donate or lend any slides in 
accordance with the enclosed regulations : and in the event 
of your being so disposed, will you let me know, as soon as 
convenient, how many slides you will contribute, in order 
that they may be available for the use of members during the 
coming season? A form for giving the necessary particulars 
of the slides is enclosed. Slides may be sent to meat 6, 
Bolton-street, London, W. 

The society has obtained most excellent premises at 20, 
Hanover-square (the property of the Royal Medical and 
Chirurgical Society), where the meetings will be held. 

The following is the programme for the session, so far as 
already arranged :— 

Oct. 13. Andrew Pringle, Esq., on ‘The Modern Appli- 

cations and Appliances of the Lantern.” 

Oct. 27. Louis Fagan, Esq., on “ Wood Engraving,” 

illustrated with lantern slides. 

Nov. 3. Annual general meeting. 

Nov. 10, No meeting. 

Nov. 24. Exhibition of lantern slides, for which tickets will 

be issued for members and friends. 

Dec. 8. J. G. Grenfell, Esq., F.R.M.S., on “Means of 
Protection amongst Animals,” illustrated with lantern 

Papers will also be read, at dates to be arranged, by the 
following gentlemen: J. Traill Taylor, Esq.; W. H. Maw, 
Esq.; and {2. M. Nelson, Esq., F.R.M.S. 

A second exhibition of lantern slides will also be held later 
in the session, probably on Feb. 9, 1891, 

Notice of each meeting will be sent to members a week or 
ten days in advance, 

I am further desired to ask you if you would be good enough 
to promote the interests of the society by making it known 
amongst your readers, with the view of obtaining as many 
additional suitable members as_ possible during the forth- 
coming session. 

You will observe that the council have decided that ladies 
are eligible for election.—I am, yours faithfully, 


6, Bolton-street, W. 


t. The ordinary meetings shall be held on the second and 
fourth Mondays in each month, from October to April inclu- 
sive, at §.30 p.m. 

2. The council shall hold their meetings at such times and 
places as they may appoint. 

3. Any member may introduce one visitor at a time to any 
ordinary meeting of the society on writing the name and 
address of such visitor in the visitors’ book. 

4. Votes of thanks for papers read, &c., may be given only 
to non-members. 

5. All papers proposed to be read before the society must, 
if required by the council, be sent to the hon. sec. for their 
consideration at least fourteen clear days before the date fixed 
for the reading of the paper. 


1. Members are invited to contribute slides to the above 
collection. All slides sent in for this purpose shall be placed 
in the hands of a sub-committee, who shall select such of 
them as they may consider of sufficient merit and interest, 
returning the remainder to the owner. The decision of the 
sub-committee shall be final. 

2. All slides submitted for selection must be clearly marked 
with the title or number, and have two white spots ora white 
band at the top of the slide when viewed as in nature ; and it 
is desirable that a written description of the slides should 
accompany them, as well as a statement of the processes by 
which the negatives and slides were made, and any other 
matters of interest connected with them. 

(A form, showing the particulars required, may be obtaincd 
on application from the hon. sec.) 

3- Contributors to the loan collection of slides are to be 
of two classes, viz., donors and lenders. Slides contribute.! 
by donors, and accepted by the sub-committee, are to become 
the property of the society, and are to be kept in its possession 
when not in use. Slides lent to the loan collection, and 
accepted by the sub-committee, are to be the property of the 
society during the time they are so lent, and are to be subject 
to the same nules as slides forming the permanent loan collec- 
tion. They may, however, be at any time withdrawn fiom 
the loan collection by the lenders on a month’s notice to that 
effect being given to the secretary of the society. Every effort 
will be made to preserve the lent slides in good order, but the 
society will not be liable for any loss or damage which they 
may sustain whilst in its possession. 

4. Each member donating twelve, or lending fifty, slides 
approved by the sub-committee, shall be entitled to the free 
loan of slides for one year from the date of such contribution. 
Not more than 100 slides are to be lent to any member at one 

5. Non-contributing members may have the privilege of 

The Optical Mazic Lantern Journal and oo Enlarger xi: 


8x 5x4 ins. 



tained | C. 6. COLLINS, ie 
ee _ tomtom Degen | Catalogue. 

~,  tedal. 

Medal, feo 

Photographic eee 

With New Adjustment for the use 
of Wide-Angle Lens, 

Ds Tine’ Se 
yay Shutter. 


Has tur LARGEST SALE Inches 1b : 4 

Bo ae O55 a Jb mh a rae 6 
IN THE WORLD. Instantaneous from 13/0. Srerescopie ‘Time and Inst. from 20/- & 

Thornton-Pickard Manufacturing Co., 8° SARYS STREET, prassoate 

se Appliances, 

Telegraphic Address— 

Lin, New Catalogue 5. et 
° Ligne post-free. Paka, ity aa 
“nd Min London.” am 
“sp ees it Oi2 ewes! Hyon é 
lity adanie ed 9 we yend * “aay 

Bi-unials from £6, Full-size Sivgle Lan- 

The Best and Ct H gt 
ee eee ee terns, 4-in. Condensers, from 30s. 1. 

Class Lanterns and Slides. 

Show. Rooms :— 
268, Upper Street, Islington, N. 
Factory :— 
Eltord Road, Drayton Park, N, 

x) Qm,- 
7 rer wip, 
a PS 39 
= porto 8 ghee Sang “SRE 
Lee pe® "Img 
we the q, om 
anv pees Por, alt Pare 
es agar? We are Not Sp 
Manufacturers, simply Dealers. 

Magic Lantern, Dissolving View, and "Photographic Apparatus Makers. 

xii. The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic En arger, 

 W. WATSON & SONS, 313, High Holborn, London, 


of Highest Quality and Efficiency. Illustrating ail parts of the World, R2- per doz:n, 

AND SCREEN STANDS. For taking Lantern Pictures. 

An Illustrated Catalogue sent free to any address on application. Ask for Lantern List. 


Post Free, 12/99.| CHATHAM PEXTON, 

Member of the Lecturers’ Association, 
so Dissolving View Artist. 


Lanterns, Slides, Photographic 
4 Apparatus, &c. 

W \anufacturer to the Trade, Clerzy 
aie Lecturcrs, and the Public, Who!c- 
sale, Retail, and for Exportation. 

Second Hand Apparatus, &c. 
Special Terms to Shippers. 


+See — tHE — 1 

Far in advance of previous attempt:. Thoroughly reliable for 


pe Telegraphic Address -“Dissolving,” London. 
: Always 60,000 Slides in Stock, and 100 Instruments to Select from. 
From W. HAINES, Photo Chemist, Hereford, Lanterns and Slides on Hire. 

And all Dealers. —__—_——_ 
Wh-lesale from ALFRED WATKINS, Hereford. | 22, Gray’s Inn Road, Holbora, London, W.C. 


Amateurs should send for Mr. Huctres’ full Ilustrated Catalogue, over 300 pages, Is., postage 5d. ; small, ditto, 6.1., 
postage 2d.. giving useful and valuable information, also prices of every description of Lantern Apparatus, Slides, Xc., 
cheapest and best. Over 15 Patents. Perfection in every direction. In proof of this Mr. Hucitks has this season 
constructed a most magnificent Triple for B. J. MaLpen, Esg. The Docwra Triple also gained the only Prize Medal 
and Highest Award, and supplied to the Royal Polytechnic Institution; by Dr. H. Gratran GuINNESs, 
Capt. SELWYN, M.P., &c. His high-class Lanternsand Objectives are used by Capr. C. READE and the Rev. F. Witrre, 
therefore go direct and have a first-class instrument, and not the common Commercial. The Patent Pamphengos 
has stood the test against all imitations—it approaches the limelight. Price, with 4-in. Condensers, from £2 JUs. 
Commercial, 4-in. four-wick Lanterns, £1 15s. 6d. Teachers’ Aid Science Lantern for all purposes, Oxy-hycrozen 
Microscopes, &c. Patent Presto Carrier. Patent Skeleton Triple and Bi-unial for travelling exhibitors; marvel 
of portability. 60,000 Slides from 6d. each; 300 Lecture Sets. The Patent Bijou Enlarging Lantern with 
Rectangular Condensers, perfect results scientifically considered—Special, 5 by 4, £7 15s. 6d. Before deciding, consult 
Mr. Hucues, Specialist and Manufacturer, who can give greater value than all others. PAMPHLETS FREE. 

W. C. HUGHES, Brewster House, Mortimer Road, Kingsland, London, N. 


Pas CAMERA combines with extreme simplicity more advan- 

tages than any other, and is admicted to be the best and most perfect invented. 
It is constructed to carry Twenty Plates, though any less number inay be placed in 
the Camera. ‘Ihe plates are changed automatically, and instantly. No carriers, metal 
sheaths, or double backs are used. ‘he Camera is fitted with an excellent R. R. 
DETECTIVE LENS, the }-plate size with one of 5} in. equiv. focus, working at F7, 
and the f by 4 size with one of Gt in. focus and special adaptation of Kershaw Shutter. 
Itis perfectly free from knob: and projections, has rising front-to Lens, an ingenious 
method of focussing, and an indicator for showing the number of Plates remaining unex- 
posed. Itis adapted for use on a Stand, and Vertical Pictures cana be taken with it. 
Outside Measurements (1-plate), 10% inches long, 5% inches wide. it inches deep. Neatly 
covered in leather. PRICE: |-plate Size, £7; 5 by 4 Size, £8. 

To be obtained of all Dealers, and of Geo. Mason & Cu., Glasgow 5 PEARSON AND 
Denxuam, Leeds; J. J. Arxinson, Liverpool; P.A. & C.S. Association, #3, Charterhouse 
Square, I.ondon; J.T. Crarmay, Manchester; Mawson AND SWAN, Newcastle-on-Tyre. 
Descriptive circular on application, or of SwixDEN AND Earp, 21, Islington, Liverpool, 

The Optical Magic Lantera Journal and Photographic Sularger. 


borrowing the slides on payment at the rate of sixpence a 
dozen or portion of a dozen. 

6. Applications for the loan of slides shall bz ia writing, 

and inthe case of two or more members desiring them for ; 

the same date, priority of application shall decide. 
application must state definitely the date for which the slides 
are wanted. Sufficient time will be allowed, free of cost, to 
the borrower for the transit of the slides to the place at which 
he requires them ; and all slides must be dispatched to the 
society by the borrower not later than twelve noon, on the day 
following the day of exhibition. If the slides be detained 
beyond that time the borrower shall be fined at the rate of 
five shillings per day, or partof a day. 

7. All expenses of carriage shall be defrayed by the borrower, 
and on returning the slides the carriage must be prepaid. 

8. The borrower shall be held responsible for all losses and 
damage which may accrue to the slides from their despatch 
until they are received back by the society. 

[ Lo the Editor.) 

Str,—Since writing my last letter to you I notice an 
advertisement of Mr. Griffiths, of Birmingham, in your 
November, 1889, issue, of a lantern slide camera to make 
transparencies where they have not the use of gas. In the 
November number, page 47, you draw attention to it. Would 
you kindly tell me whether it has been tried and has proved 
successful 2 ‘Ihe cost is not much ; but there is no pleasure 
in buying a thing which after all your effurts might prove a 
failure. —Yours sincerely, R. GODDARD. 

Sing'eton, Pouiton le Fylde. 

[We use one of Mr. Griffiths’ cameras, and are well 
pleased with it. Any description of apparatus thatappears in 
our © Lditorial Table” is written only after we have had an 
opportunity of trying it. We may here remark thax the same 
applies to the series of descriptions of “ Hani Cameras for 
Obtaining Slides for the Lantern.""—Eb. } 

(vu the Ieditor.] 

Sta.—In consequence of the large measure of success that 
has attended the efforts of the founders of the Kast Dulwich 
and Peckham Photographic Society, their membership roll 
being upwards of one huncred, many of whom are living 
quite out of the locality, it has been decided to change the title 
to the South London Photographic Society ; and, moreover, 
as they find their present accommodation anything but 
sufficient, they have secured for their future meetings Han- 
over fail, Rye-lane, S.I«. 

The first meeting in this hall will take place on Friday, 

October 3, when they will entertain their friencs with a | 

lantern evening, using a triple the treasurer (Mr. H. G. 
Banks) has just had built for him. 

On November 7 Mr. Banks has also arranged to givea 
lecture on “ A Tour to the Channel Islands," which he will 
illustrate with a number of his own slides. 

On November 21 and 22, the society will hold their 
annual exhibition, on both of which nights the slides in com- 
petition for a bronze medal will be shown. : 

On December gth, experiments with the optical lantern 
will be given by Messrs. Car.Iner and Banks.—Yours truly, 

7, Bacry-road, East Dulwich, S. W. GARDNER, 

{ Lo the Editor. ] 
S1r,—The date being now fixed for our triennial exhibition, 
we shall feel obliged if you will kindly announce the same. 
The conditions and schedule of awards have been revised 
and are now more in accor.lance with prevailing opinicns than 

the one issued in 1888, although that exhibition proved a 
success in every way, with its 140 exhibitors and upwards of 
600 frames, besides a large show of apparatus. We hope 
as before to secure the support of leading amateurs and 

The exhibition will open Wednesday, April 17, and 
close on Saturday, April 27. 1$9r. Prospectus will shortly 
be issued and duly advertised.—We are, dear sir, yours 
faithfully, A. H. CLINCH, Ul : 

F. H. Burr, \ on. Secs. 


Society Meetings. 

Toynbee CAMERA CLuB.—An exhibit of photographs 
and lantern slides took place at Toynbee Hall, Whitechapel, 
on 20th September. The photographs were the work of 
members taken on various excursions. Upwards of a couple 

of hundred transparencies were projected on the screen by 

the optical lantern. On Thursday, r6th October, the next 
lantern meeting will be held. Tickets may be obtained from 
Mr. A. E. Birch, secretary, 35, Hleathland-road, Stoke New- 
ington. It is the intention of this society to collect slides for 
exhibition at free entertainments at schools and other 

Sourtt Lonpon PHoroGraritc SocreTy.—On the 19:h 
ult. Mr. F. W. Hart, of Kingsland Green, gave a demonstra- 
tion in Mash-light photography. Mr. Hart also exhibited his 
new portable stand, which can Le rigged up for a stand for 
flash lamps, a lantern screen, or as the framing for a portable 
studio. Mr. Ransom exhibited his new copying board, which 
can be used for lantern slide work, or for enlarging or reduc- 
ing. A lantern night will be held on October 3 at Hanover 
Hall, Rye-lane, S.E. 

HOLBORN CAMERA CruB.---On the roth ult., Mr. N. 
Baker gave an interesting lecture, “ How I spend my holidays 
in Derby and Yorkshire.” A number of interesting views 
were shown by the lantern—viz., St. Pancras, York, Buxton, 
Leeds, Matlock, Scarborough, &c. Several slides by Messrs. 
Chang and Bayston were shown at the conclusion of the 

—A large number of members and their friends were pre- 
sent in St. Paul's gitls’ school on Monday, September 22, 
on the cccasion of the opening meeting of the winter 
sessiun of the society. The president, Dr. Manton, pre- 
cided. Over one hundred transparencies, many of them of 
grvat beauty, and all the work of members of this society, 
were exhibitel by means of a very powerful oxy-hydrogen 
apparatus, manipulated by I. Staniforth, Esq., vice-presi- 
dent. Amongst the exhibitors were the Rev. Mr. Deck, 
Dr. Manton, Messrs. G. Stephenson, P., Slater, J. I. Frith, 
Wood, Shalcross, Woolhouse, Holgate, Draper, Clowes, ic. 
A pleasant commentary on the pictures was given by the 
president, which was highly appreciated. The vocal and 
musical portion of the evening’s entertainment was given by 
members of the Doncaster-street choir. A cordial vote of 
thanks to the president, Mr. Staniforth, Mr. Slater, and the 
choir for their exertions brought a delightful evening to a 
close.—J. F. FRritH, hon, sec., 403, Shoreham-street, 

22nd ult., Mr. C. Beadle gave an interesting lecture cn 
lantern slide making. It will be remembered that this gentle- 
man took the first prize at the competition held last Decem- 
ber. Gentlemen wishing to join this society are invited t> 
send their names to the Secretary (George R. Martin), 
Harringay Park Granary, Green Lanes, N. 

HIACKNEY TstovoGRAPHiC SociEry.—The thirtieth 
ordinary meeting was held on the 28th August, Mr. Arthur 
Dean presidivg. Several prints were shown by Messrs. 
Pailthorpe, Foden, and Grant. The former's were taken by 


The Optioal Magio Lantorn Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 

a hancl camera of his own construction, The Secretary an- 
nounced that Mr. John Reynolds had kindly presented an 
album to the society. Mr. Hubert then gave an able and 
instructive paper on portraiture and retouching. He thought 
the rivalry that existed between amateurs, or rather pro- 
fessionals, was a mistake. They must move with the times. 
A gocd photographer must be an artist. He said he pre- 
ferred graduated backgrounds even to scenic ones, which 
ought not tobe sharply clefined, or they would detract from 
the sitter, He always judged his background from the 
suter's dress. A rapid rectilinear lens could be used, but if 
in aroom the portrait lens was best. The amateur should, 
when ina garden, find out the N.E. light, screen offthe S.W., 
and with some light material shade off (regulatable) the top 
light. He demonstrated the lighting with the assistance of 
two members, and concluded by giving a demonstration of 
retouching, for which he is noted. A hearty vote of thanks 
followed. The Rev. O’Brien Brandon was nominated. 


Notes and Queries. 

vt, A. D,—Thanks ; the article will be found in another 

B. L. A,—We have made inquiries about the delay, but 
are unable to account for it ; however, as you have now sub- 
scribed direct, this Journal will be delivered on the first day 
of each month. 

Constant Ieader.—Vour letter of rith ult. to hand, but 
you give neither your name nor address ; from the post mark 
we understand it comes from Bury, Lanc. 

Disc writes: © Will you kindly tell me in your next, 72 
lantern discs, if the distance from lantern to screen is 
measured from front of lens ; also, if the size of disc given 
in your table is when a slide has been focussed and taken 
out, orisit the actual size of picture shown 2?” Answer.—The 
distance must be measured from midway between the lenses. 
The size of disc quoted is on the assumption that a circular 
picture three inches in diameter is placed in the lantem and 

“7. Grundy.—v. Either calico or linen will do well for a 
transparent sheet; linen will be about twice the cost of calico, 
but it will stand much more wear and tear. The screen 
should be wet when using : a good way to do this is with a 
vose-top syringe after the screen isup. 2. Yes; the Chadwick 
carrier is a good article. 3. Beard’s carrier is constructed on 
the principle you mention. In an article on dissolvers, p. 34, 
Vol. I. (October, 1889), you will find in the last two para- 
graphs particulars of a dissolving effect with one lantern. 
4. A frame such as you suggest could be made, but we 
question its practicability. 

R. .—A lens of sin. focus will do. The smaller the 
disc, the brighter it will be. We replied to your first letter 
on Sept. 2. 

A, Hedley.—Thanks for the suggestion. 
few wrappers by post. . 

J. Paterson.—The prints would have been better had 
they been printed a little deeper ; you would thus have ob- 
tained the tone about which you inquire. Try fuming the 
paper with ammonia for ten minutes before printing. 

L. R. J—You can obtain a duplicate negative by first 
making a transparency and then a negative from that, both 
by contact printing, 

Spot.—We cannot tell without seeing the negative. You 
can obtain full information by writing to the Eastman Com- 
pany, 115, Oxford-street. 

- J. 8S. writes: “I have been making a metal lantern, but 
have got in a fix about it (I find it is not such an easy matter 
asI thought). Can you give me the name of some one who 
is a practical worker, who could help me to finish it?” urs, 

We sent youa 

—We do not know the address of anyone in your town, but ! 

doubtless Mr. T. J. Doggett, 4, Church-lane, Upper-street, 
Islington, London, could assist you. 

MM. B, asks: ‘What is a stereopticon lantern, and what 
is the difference between that kind and any other magic 
lantern?” Leply.—The name stereopticon is applied in 
America to a dissolving view lantern in which limelight is 

Je. Ieoberts.—Varnish the inside of the lantern with the 
following : Vegetable black, 2 parts; turpentine, 2. parts; 
gokl size, 1 part; mix well, and paint on; and if care is 
taken not to allow it to run, an even dull black will result. 

Inquirer.—The double plano-convex is the best form of 
condenser for general purposes. 

John J. Wright says: ‘I am much bothered with my 
lantern getting very hot and blistering the varnish, besides 
being in danger of breaking the lenses; could you inform 
me through your paper what is the best way to keep it cool ? 
It is a bi-unial mahogany-body tin-lined lantern, with the 
ordinary short rose-top chimney in the top, and I do not see 
why it shoul: heat so much."" Je~ly.—The ventilation is 
evidently insufficient. Use a wider chimney, and also have 
a larger space for the influx of air. Perhaps you turn on too 
much hydrogen. 

LZ. .—ITf an opportunity affords to further your interest 
we shall be pleased to mention your name. 

Tt. G@. writes: “In your reference table I read ‘focus of 
lens.’ Does that mean the diameter of my condensers, 
which is 34in., or is it the distance between the end of the 
focussing tube; or failing these, what does it mean? An 
answer in your October number will oblige.” 1 nsver.—To 
ascertain the focus of your lens, stick a picce of white paper 
on the wall of a room opposite the window, hold tbe lens a 
few inches distant from this and move it to and fro until a 
sharp image, say, of the houses across the street is depicted 
upon the paper. When the image is absolutely sharp upon 
the paper, measure the distance from it to midway between 
the combination of your lens, This will give you its focus. 

G. Ploss.—If you obtain the May issue of this Journal 
you will find an article, with illustrations, dealing with the 
position of the light. 

FR. G.—Article in this issue will give you information re 
making lantern slides from your negatives by daylight. 

F. Weeks.—Yes; send the specimen; it shall have every 

-U. M.—You will observe that we have reproduced in this 
issue the article and table referiing to the size of discs. Read 

the answer to“ R. G.' 


Mr. A. E. Wave, of 188, Walworth-road, finding his 
business rapidly growing, and being unable for want of space 
to enlarge his premises, has removed to a commodious house 
across the street (No. 177), and is fitting up the shop 
department. We understand he has ample workshops in 
the rear. 


A VERY useful piece of apparatus in a dark room is a light 
cover made sufficiently large to cover over the dish that is 
used for developing purposes. In the event of the manipu- 
lator wishing to open the door of the dark room, this can be 
slipped into position in a moment, or in the case ofan under- 
exposed plate, it can lie in the developer covered over in the 
immediate vicinity ofa white light.— JV. Jones Johnston. 

a * 

SOME years ago the method of stating the power of a light 
used ina lantern was to state how large a picture the in- 
strument would show, Thus, one dealer stated his oil light 
would show a picture ten feet in diameter ; and another more 
modest spoke of six feet ; but neither stated how long you 
would have to stand in the dark before the pupil of the eye 
would expand to sce the picture properly. — Alfred 

Tho Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographio Enlarger. xiii. 



Holds 12 4 plates, fitted with self-setting time and instantaneous 
shutter, and rapid achromatic lens, price 35/-, without finder. 

The No. 2 “Diamond,” 

Holds 12 3 plates, has 2 finders, rectilinear lens, time and 
instantaneous shutter. size only 43 by 33 by 83. Price 52/6, 
complete in case. 

The ‘“TALMER,” fitted with TALBOT & HAMER, 
Taylor and Hobson’s Finder, 42/- LICENSEES AND MAKERS, BLACKBURN. 

Thomas’s “Pall Mall” Lantern Plate 

North Lodge, Melton Mowbray, December 11th, 1889. 
Dear Sirs,—My satisfaction with your Lantern Plates is unbounded. Their quality is so consummately 
excellent that with the quinol developer, a tyro need not fail in getting good slides. Add two gross lanterns to my 
order in your hands for other plates. Yours faithfully, 
To R. W. Thomas & Co. WILLIAM ADCOCK. 

Rayapuram, Mdaras, 27th July, 1889. 

Dear Sirs,Mr. F. York was kind enough to send me a sample dozen of your Lantern Plates for trial, and 
I have much pleasure in stating that in my opinion they are the most perfect Plates of their kind. 

I do not think you exaggerate in the least in saying that Collodio-Bromide is superseded, for when one can 
get such perfect Plates for Is. a dozen, no one would think of going to tae trouble of making Colodion Emulsion 
with its uncertainty and worry. 

I spoilt the first of the dozen purposely by giving different exposures on the two halves of the Plate to 
ascertain their rapidity, but after that I got eleven very beautiful transparencies with the remainder of the dozen, 
and since that I have used many dozens of your plates with the most gratifying success. I have had some thirty 
dozen out, and find they keep exceedingly well in this climate, for I used some that had been in a cardboard box some 
four months and they were perfect as at first. Yours faithfully, 

Messrs. R. W. Thomas & Co., London. FRED DUNSTERVILLE, 

Thomas’s Lantern Plates give all colours without Toning, and are warranted to keep 
indefinitely ; in these respects especially they challenge any other make to comparison. 

Lantern Plates, on Thin Glass, 3!in. by 3jin., ls. per dozen. 




anes iy " 
Awarded the Certincate at Cystl | WWRAY’S LENSES 

also for Enlarging Apparatus. e now fitted with 

D. Noakes & Son, iR1S DIAPHRAGMS, 

When required, at a small additional cost. 

Inventors, Patentees & Makers of 

A MEDAL has been awarded for these LENSES, 
Improved Lantern Apparatus, at the Dundee and East of Scotland 
Also “ * Photo Lenses, 

Cameras & Enlarging Apparatus PHOTOG RAPHIG EXHIBITION, 

. Greenwich, London, S.E, 

: = = Telephone S02). Hours 9 till 6. W. WRAY, OPTICIAN, 

Every improvement in our Apparatus ere Pie ainciaie oe North Hill, Highgate, London, N. | 

experience, Mr C. Locss and Mr. D. W. 

e firm, haing persatally OP iceon Prices and Illustrated Catalogue for Stamp, 


The Optical Magio Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger. 


Lantern Plate 

m Js specially manufactured for the pro- 
duction of Transparencies. There is 
y nothing to equal wz for this work. The 
tones can be varied according to De- 
veloper used, and for Brilliancy and 
Clearness in Shadows it is unsurpassed, 

Mawson ano Swan 
j AND iE. S}. ail OW TNE. 

Developing Solutions, Varnishes,. 
Cover Glasses, Paper Masks and 
Binders and all Requisites. 

30, sa 0 London: & Mosley Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 


Fe wee HAND CAMERA. Patent 

For pictures fall 4} x 34. Weight, only 12 ounces. ne) aa 




See ‘‘The Eclipse Pamphlet," free on application to 

‘J. F. SHEW & GO., 87 & 88, NEWMAN STREET. 
STANLEY SLIDES. | John J. Griffin & Sons, Ld., 


| Now -Ready.— A Complete Fully Mlustrated 
Catalogue of 

The exclusive right to reproduce the pictures in Stanley's 
New Book 


as Lantern Slides, has been obtained by 


3, Fleet Street, London. 

Set of 50 Slides, many photographed from artists’ original 
finished drawings, price 28. each. 
List of Subjects free on application. 
Special terms to the Trade. Reading for the Set, Od. 

Lantern Sildes made from Customers’ Negatives. 

22, Garrick St., Covent Garden, London, W.C. 

Att Goons at Lowmst Case Pricas. 

Printed and Published for theProprietors by Wooprorp Fawcset & Co. 

Dorset Works, Salisbury Square, E.C. 

Digitized by the Magic Lantern Society 
The Magic Lantern Society 

Post-production coordinated by 




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